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Kong's POV

It's been 3weeks since I returned.. Our new home was also ready.. Dara and Asnee were happy to attend the new school.. they have already loved it.. also.. it was on my way to the company.. so I can drop them up as well as pick them up..

All of us have settled in.. May and Em spent time with May's parents.. P'Ohm and P'Mew reported at the hospital.. P'Beam and others were already working there so it was easy for them to get used to the hospital rules.. regulations and other things.. P'Toey.. Em.. May and Gulf have already reported at our company and started working after a week of our arrival.. Lawan also joined her company almost immediately but as a head of one department...

She even found her first ever love.. she has been telling us on and on about her crush.. but was not telling us her name.. because even she doesn't know.. she was feeling shy to ask her.. I could not help but laugh at her.. she practically owned the company.. she could check the employees data.. but she doesn't want to tell her parents right now.. until she becomes more sure.. 

Today was the day I was going to join the company. I have asked my parents and P'Forth not to announce about me now.. I wanted to attend that press meet after seeing the company at least once.. so they arranged the press meet after a week..

Due to Lawan's pleading.. I decided to visit her before going to the meeting about the project which I am going to lead.. it would be my first project as the COO of the company.. So after dropping Dara and Asnee in the class.. I made my way to Lawan's company 'Eleven Ventures'..

I called her as I parked my car outside the company.. 
"You here..?" She excitedly asked me..
"Won't you even greet me at least.. but yes.. I am already here.." I told her.
"Come inside.. I have already told about your arrival at the receptionist.. tell her your name.. she will guide you to me." She said. I could sense her nervousness and excitement.
"Calm down will you..? You are acting as if your parent is going to meet the person you love." I teased her as I walked inside..
"Oh.. shut up.. don't tease me now.." She shouted..

"Miss.. I am Kongpob.. can you guide me to Miss Lawan." I asked as I reached the reception.
"Yes Sir.. Madam is already expecting you.." She said and guided me.. 

"Okay.. I am coming up... " I said as I followed the receptionist.

"I am in my Cabin... I will come out in a minute or two.." She said and cut the call.

I could feel many eyes on me as I walked.. I could hear people squealing about how handsome I was looking.. I shut played deaf to that and walked.. 
"KONG.. KONGPOB..!" I heard a male and a female voice.. before I could even register who it was.. I was hugged tightly...

"You are back.. you are back Kong.." It was Prae.. I immediately returned the hug.. We were planning to surprise them this weekend but it turned out this way.
"Yes.. I am back.. I was about to let you know this weekend.." I said.. 
"You look really handsome now.. No wonder you were the Campus Moon" She said as she let go of the hug.. 
"Oh.. you are no less beautiful.. Miss Campus Star. Tell me found your girl..? Or still waiting..?" I said teasing her a little.
"Oh.. I found a interest.. but I am not sure.. should see.." She whispered..
"Really..?" I asked her.. She nodded her head saying 'yes'.

"Kong.." It was Tew and Wad.. I looked at them.. I did not know how to react or reply..
"Kong.. you fool.. why did you stop here..? I asked you to come in right.." It was Lawan.. I was never this glad that someone screams at me..
"Ah.. Lawan.. This is Praepailin.. Prae.. my university friend when I was here.. and Prae.. she is Lawan.. you might know her already.. she studied with me after I transferred.." I introduced them to eachother.. 

And from their face expression.. I could say that Prae's interest was Lawan.. and Lawan's crush was Prae.. I could not help but chuckle internally.. 
"It is nice to know you Prae." Lawan said.. and shook their hands..
"Now.. Kong.. come.. I need to talk to you.. and also.. you need to go back to the meeting.. so come fast.." Lawan said.. 
"I will talk to you soon Prae.. give me a week.. I will meet you soon.." I said.. we shared another hug and then I left with Lawan after looking at Wad and Tew again..

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