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Arthit's POV

I was fidgeting in the office while I was waiting for Kong.. Everyone are here except for Kong.. and they are continuing their work while I could not focus how much ever I try..
"Arthit.. stop fidgeting and focus will you.." Prem said.. 
"You know I can't... till he talks to me.." I replied with a panicked and nervous voice.. 

Soon.. Kong came in.. he apologized for being late..he said that he had to go somewhere. He took his seat beside me.. I was thinking of a way to start the talk.. but all I could do was to stare at him.. There were no words coming out of my mouth nor was my mouth able to produce any sentances.
"P.. stop staring at me.. " He whispered in such a way that it was only audible to me..
"I am really sorry Kong.." I whispered back..
"P.. want to drink some coffee..? or anything else..?" He asked me.. now looking at me..
"Ah..?!" Was all I could say..
"I asked if you want to have any drink.. will you accompany me.. I want to have a coffee.." He said a little louder. 
"Yes.. let us go.." I said.. both of us stood up..

"Kong.. get me a juice when you will come back.." May said.
"Okay.. your regular right..?" He asked.. and she nodded..
"Any one else want any thing..?" I asked.. 
"No.. just come back soon.." Toey said giving a teasing smile.. 
"P'Toey.. I will surely complain to P'Ohm.." Kong said before he held my hand and dragged me out..

He was holding my hand.. he was holding my hand.. I was jumping internally.. I held his hand tightly not letting it go.. but suddenly he let go of my hand.. I looked up and saw that all the other employees were there.. I silently walked beside him with a smile never leaving my face.

He drove us to the near by café.. he ordered a iced coffee for himself and a pinkmilk along with a juice for May.. After we took the order.. we sat down at one corner.. 
"P.. I know you want to talk.. so let us talk now.." He said as we sat down.
"First.. I am sorry for forcing a kiss yesterday Kong.. but I don't regret it because I have been wanting to do that.." I said.. I looked at his eyes.. he was waiting for me to continue.. 

"Kong.. I was wrong to judge you that day.. I must have spoken to you.. I was wrong.. and.. and.. I even slapped you without even thinking.. I can't justify it by saying that I have short tempered.. I act before thinking when it comes to you and all.. but the truth is.. When I heard the rumor.. A part of me knows that it was fake but another part of me which was always insecure and jealous reacted even before I thought.. I am really sorry Kong.. I was like that.." I said.. I could feel tears in my eyes and his also.. 

I saw him closing his eyes for a little.. he took a sip from his drink and then again looked at me.. 
"I forgave you for that already P.. Maybe it took a while.. but I did forgive you.. " He said calmly.. 
"But.. when I came to sort it out and tell you something.. I saw you.." His voice broke.. I held his hands..

"I know what you saw Kong.. and please trust me.. I really don't know who that girl is.. That day.. I went to have some drinks with my previous colleagues.. At first.. I was about drink only a little but after a few minutes into talking.. they shared with me that they were a couple.. it reminded me of you.. I was never like that in front of public.. and neither in front of our friends.. even after everyone knows that we were a couple.. I could not help but think how you would have been with me.. if I treated you like I really wanted to instead of thinking about others.. That was when the girl came.. I kept on rejecting her... I shouted at her.. I acted completely cold and even disrespected her.. but she did not leave.." I said.. and took a deep breath before continuing..

"After that I kept on drinking more.. one because of her continuously rubbing herself on me and another part was because I could not reach you for a whole week and I missed you terribly.. especially when I was guilty for what I did.. At one point I was so drunk that I imagined you when I saw her.. I thought I was seeing you.. and because of the missing feeling I had.. I kissed.. I am sorry.. I know that is not a reason to kiss someone.. but that is what happened Kong.. and I am glad Bright stopped me before I committed a grave mistake.." I said.. I could feel my tears running out of my eyes.. 

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