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Kong's POV

It was time for me to pick up my little cupcakes from their school.. Ah.! With this traffic I just made it in time.. The moment I got down of the car.. I heard them calling me...
"PAPA..!" I looked up only to meet my excited babies running towards me.. I smiled at them and went down to their level and hugged them..

"We missed you papa.." They said..
"Aw.. I missed you both sweethearts.." I said and hugged them more tightly.. They have now become the main reason why I chose to live and face everything.. They are my world and they will get everything they want in the world.

"Now.. want to go home..?" I asked as I let go of the hug..
"Yes.. and we want to eat pancakes also.." Dara said.. 
"Okay my princess.. let us go now.." I said and helped them to sit inside the car.. I kissed both their foreheads as I put the seat belt..

I drove back to home.. Three of us freshened up and changed into normal dresses.. After that I made them to sit on the kitchen counter while I was preparing to make the pancakes.. 
"Papa.. we made one new friend today.. his name is Fiat.. he is really good papa." Asnee said.
"Really..? Then when will Papa get to meet my babies new friend.?" I asked.
"Tomorrow morning we will show him to you.. and Papa.. you won't believe.. but he has tow dad's.. same like us.." Dara said. 
"Ohh.. but Dara don't ever tease him for that.. you know right we should not look down on people..?" I said..
"Khab Pa.. even we have 2 dad's.. though other one we never saw.." Asnee said.

"Do you want to meet your dad.?" I asked them.
"Not really.. " Asnee said.
"And why so..?" I asked them as I turned towards them.
"He never cared then why should we care.?" Dara asked and pouted.. 
"No Dara.. he doesn't know about you too.. after the fight between us.. I haven't spoke to him.. and he doesn't know about you two.." I said.

"Is he good person like you..?" Asnee asked..
"Yes.. And my sorry sweethearts.. that I can't show you both your other dad." I said as I hugged them.
"You are enough for us.. you are both our Mama and Papa." They said. 

Soon the pancakes were ready.. we spoke about their other teachers.. their other classmates..
"Papa.. can we go and roam around.. I want to see around please papa.." Dara asked..

"Hm.. okay.. but you must promise me that you won't let go of my hand and always stay beside me.. then we can go and roam around for sometime.." I said.
"Promise papa.." They said..

I took them out.. we were roaming around in the mall.. Dara wanted me to piggy back her.. so I followed her wish.. while I held Asnee's hand.. At times like this I am happy that they don't feel like I love the other more..

Suddenly Asnee pulled me into a kid's toy store.. Asnee was looking at a robot while Dara was looking at a teddy bear which was twice her height... I was waiting for them to ask me to buy something.

After around 20 minutes... Asnee asked to buy a small car.. it was a normal one not even a remote car while Dara bought a small teddy bear.. 
"I thought you liked that robot..?" I asked Asnee..
"This will do Papa.." He said..
"And you don't want that big teddy bear..?" I asked Dara..
"No Papa.. This is small and cute." Dara said and smiled at me.. 

I took them to the counter.. and gave both their toys.. I then asked them to give the Robot and the big teddy bear along with a remote control car... 
"Papa.. they cost big.." Asnee and Dara said..
"Sweethearts.. stop thinking about cost now.. I earn very big now.. you can get anything you want.. but you need to keep them safely and play with them.. you should not spoil them wantedly.. Okay..?" I asked them as I kneeled in front of them as the shop person was packing the things.. 

"Thank you Papa.." They said and hugged me.. I kissed both their cheeks..
"I will give you everything you want my little cupcakes.." I said.. 

"Sir.. here are the things.. it cost ****" The person behind the counter said. I gave my card to him.. 
"You are a good parent sir.. they are growing up really good." That person said as he returned the card.
"Thank you.." I said and smiled at him.. 

Dara held the little teddy.. while Asnee held the robot.. I had the remote control car and the teddy in my hand.. we walked towards our car and placed them inside the car..

"Now Dara.. Asnee.. what do you want to do..?" I asked them..
"Papa.. can we eat tom yum today with Uncle Toey, Uncle Ohm, Uncle Mew and Uncle Gulf.?" Asnee asked.
"Okay.. let us go and get the food packed.. I will show you a shop where we used to go in our university.." I said.

I remembered the first time I came here.. it was with P'Arthit.. the day he accepted me after we attended P'Tum and P'Fon's wedding.. I remembered all those.. I stopped in front of the shop.. it developed a lot but the environment was still warm.. I ordered 5 tom yum and one clean soup noodles with meatballs.. I ordered extra plate of meatballs as Asnee wanted.. 

After that I took them to a walk on the Rama 8 Bridge.. I remember how P'Arthit gave me our first kiss.. my first kiss... 
"This is where your Dad accepted me for the first time.." I said as we stood by the bridge. 
"Accepted what Papa.?" Asnee asked..
"Hm.. I was the one to fall in love with your Dad first.. so I chased him for a while.. Then one day.. when I was about to give up.. he bought me here and then accepted my love for him and said that he also loves me.." I explained them.. 

"Papa.. will you show us your university..? And other places you used to go to..?" Dara asked.
"Sure sweets... I will take you around every weekend okay..?" I said...
"Okay Papa.." They smiled.. 
"Now let us go back.. our order must be ready and we need to go back before your uncles come.." I said and took them back.. 

P'Ohm and others have just reached with in a minute we reached.. I arranged the table.. we ate while Asnee and Dara excitedly told about their new school.. new friend and the toys I bought for them.. After I put them on bed.. I spoke to them.. 

I assured them that I am okay and completely fine. I told them how I felt today.. I had to assure them a lot about me being fine.. I even promised that I will let them know if I feel anything.. That night.. I slept while thinking about how I would survive without falling for P'Arthit again in the time we are going to work together.

Arthit's POV

All of us gathered at Bright's Bar.. Tutah reached a little.. we started having some drinks..
"So Arthit.. why did you want us to meet all of a sudden.?" Bright asked.
"His wish finally came true.." Knot said.
"His wait ends now.." Prem said.
"Can you both stop speaking riddles.." Tutah snorted.

"Kong is back.." I said.. though it was with a low voice it was audible to Bright and Tutah.
"REALLY..?!" They exclaimed..
"Give us the details..!" Tutah said.

I explained them about what all happened today.. how Tew, Wad and Oak have made up with Kong.. I told them that I hugged Kong.. but he just asked me to be professional.. Bright and Tutah laughed at me.. 
"What did you expect Arthit..? He would act as if nothing happen with you..?" Bright said.
"I know.. but it hurts.. it really hurts.." I said gulping down the drink in one go..
"Arthit.. Let me ask you something.. will you cherish him or would you reject him because of public views..?" Tutah asked.

"I will let the whole world know that I love him.. I won't loose him for others if at all I have a chance.." I said confidently..
"Then chase him.. but Arthit remember that you lost 6yrs of his life.. there might be many things about him that changed or that happened.. think well.. I won't forgive you.. if you hurt him again with you stupid temper." Bright said seriously.
"I will not hurt him.. I will not hurt him anymore.." I said sincerely.. 

"Then All the best Arthit.. and if possible bring all our juniors here to hang out once.. I miss them.. it's been a while.. " Bright said..

After that we spoke for a lot of time.. Tutah said that the star and moon competition would be held in another 2 weeks. Every year we go there.. Dean has made it a tradition that we head hazers would speak to the freshman every year.. Instead of Kongpob it was Tew who was representing all these years.. but no event went by without his name being mentioned.. Dean would always talk about him.. because he played a vital role in changing everyone's views towards SOTUS and hazing. He would go on and on about Kong's achievements.. 

We called it a day as we had to meet Kong and his team at 9 in the morning.. I wondered if Kong would come to the event this year.. I slept after arranging things for tomorrow... I made sure to iron the suit and polish my shoes.. 

Next day morning.. I went early to the office.. I reached by 8:55 in the morning.. Knot and Prem who were already there with Maprang, Oak and Dae were shocked to see me..
"Did the sun rise from west..?" Prem asked me immediately.. 
"There is no way our Arthit would come here in a nice mood that to before 9.." Knot said.
"Shut up will you.." I said making them smile.. 

Soon Kong and his team joined.. we started with the basic designing of the machine.. all of us were completely focused on it.. that we did not know that it was lunch time.. 

Maprang.. Dae and Oak arranged food for all of us.. We were talking about the how Kong his own fan club at Stanford University.. despite of his rejections.. how no one would ever bad mouth him and all.. I felt jealous and glad at the same time..

"Ah.. Kong would you come to the event this year..?" Oak asked..
"What event..?" He asked.
"Campus Moon and Star.. Our Dean made it a tradition that every year the previous head hazer of past batches would come and interact with the students.. He always talks about you Kong.." Maprang said.
"Kong.. it is time that you meet with Dean.. you know right he was disappointed that you did not even meet him before leaving." May said.

"I know.. but in another two weeks means.. I would be introduced as the second son.. I don't know if I should attend the event.. you know I need to accompany..." He trailed away the sentence.

"We will be there na Kong.. go visit the university.. it is time you meet everyone whom you disconnected from your life.. I.. P'Ohm, P'Mew and Gulf will be there.." Toey said. None of us could not understand who they were... but before I could ask.. Kong spoke..
"Okay.. then I will come this year.. but let it be a secret for now.. I will meat them directly." Kong said.. I smiled brightly the second our eyes met.. 

We chose to let go about the topic related to whom he must accompany.. maybe someone of his family was what I thought.. Though there was still time.. I started arranging things.. we were going to wear our hazer uniform... I was really excited..

When I said this to Bright and Tutah.. they were also happy that finally Kong would be coming to the university.. The next two weeks passed in a blink.. Kong was introduced to the whole world as well as to the business world.. Khun Suthilak and Khun Forth already made arrangement to let Kong have his own privacy.. and there were steps taken that they could sue any media or person if they post about Kong without their knowledge.. 

Though I did not know why they took utmost precaution about Kong's privacy.. I was really happy.. Kong even started speaking to me at least normally.. he even started addressing me as P'Arthit again.. Though he maintains distance.. I am glad that he was at least talking to me.. 

Tomorrow was the day the event was going to be held and Kong was also going to come.. I could not sleep even a blink the whole night and I am sure I will have to work hard to cover the black circles which I am going to get by morning.

So how do you think will the event be..? 

Will Arthit be able to get close to Kong or will he fail..?

Will Kong accept to talk about what actually happened all the years back and listen to Arthit's pov..?

Thank you..! Please vote and comment.. !

Stay safe and stay happy..!

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