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Kong's POV

**5 Years Later**

"Dara.. Asnee.. stop running.. I need to get you ready.." I shouted as I chased my daughter and son who were in a full mode to play.. 

Yes.. though I lost conscious for 10days after giving birth.. I have made it and am completely healthy now.. both my little cutie pies have become my world.. and today it their 5th birthday..  and here I am running behind them to get them ready.. These 5years have never been easy to me.. Being a single parents.. I could not sleep much taking care of them. But I was glad to have my friends and parenta around. They have always supported me and helped me learn everything so that I could be a better parent to them.

"I won't give you your gifts if you don't stop right now.." I said loudly.. They stopped and turned around.
"Papa.. you love us more than you say.. so you can't stay without giving us the gift.." They said and stuck their tongue.. They are such a tease.. I could not help but gasp at their reply.. as they laughed and stuck their tongue out.. 

"Haha.. Kong.. finally your kids can make you speechless.. they must have mastered you trait of teasing.." Em said and laughed along with May.. 
"Em.. P'Forth and P'Beam will be here with cakes.. all others are also going to come back.. Pa.. Ma.. P'Ohm and P'Toey are already checking the arrangements.. help me na.. to catch these little cupcakes." I pleaded him.. 

"You are on your own Papa.." Both Em and May said.. and took out their phone.. I know they are going to record it and tease me later.. I'll deal with later.. I started chasing the little kiddos again.. and this time I could successfully catch them.. 

I started tickling both of them

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I started tickling both of them... 
"Haha. Pa.. Papa.. stop.." They were saying in between their laughter.. I soon stopped and hugged them both.. 
"Now my little sweethearts.. let us get you ready for the surprise.." I said.. 

"Okay Papa.." They said.. Asnee gave me kiss on the cheek while Dara hugged me more tightly.. Soon I got them ready.. May helped me in getting Dara ready.. especially with the hair.. I was glad to have them around me..

I still remember the day I woke up.. all of them were there.. they were all crying with relief as they saw me awake.. Other than my family.. Em cried the most and cursed me for sleeping long.. The moment I saw my babies.. I could not help but fall in love more than I already love them.. Asnee reminded me more of P'Arthit.. he had P'Arthit's eyes.. while Dara had mine.. 

Em and May literally cried when I asked them to be my babies God-Parents.. they deserved that for the things they did for me.. they left everything behind and came with me.. May's parents have also been visiting us from time to time and supported me too.. 

I have already told my babies about me being special.. and said that unlike many others.. I was the one to give them birth.. though they were very young and don't know many things.. they understood this soon.. they call me Mama or Papa.. based on their mood.. 

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