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Arthit's POV

From the second Kong appeared.. I could not take my eyes off.. he always looked sinfully handsome.. and now that he had his goggles on.. I just forgot how to breath.. I tried flirting with him but he always makes it sound normal.. I was about to try telling him something so it would sound serious but soon I was called on to the stage along with other head hazers.. 

Like every other year.. it was Tew who was representing as Kong's presence was not yet know.. Dean started his speech and of course the first thing he did was to thank Kongpob like every other time.. I am sure Kong would be having tears in his eyes listening to Dean speaking.. But this time Tew interrupted him and said that Kong was hearing all this.. 

Soon Kong was invited on to the stage.. Dean gave him a hug before Kong spoke to the students.. He spoke about how he was during his freshman days.. how he said that he would make me his wife.. how he revolted against us.. about the day I ran 54 laps.. though he did not speak in detail.. but his emotions were felt in is voice and seen in his eyes.. 

I prayed all the Gods to bless me to stop myself from jumping on him when he thanked me for every thing.. all these years.. people would always thank him and his team for changing the insights which I always agree.. but never thought Kong would thank us for teaching it perfectly which in turn they taught to their juniors in a different way keeping the changes in generation in mind..

I practically had tears rolling from my eyes all the while he was speaking.. both happy and sad.. happy that he remembers everything.. sad that I lost him because of my foolishness.. After that even before I could talk to him.. he was pulled by the Dean.. teachers.. his juniors along with Em and May. Nong Phun and others apologized to him and spoke to him. I and the rest were waiting at the canteen for them as we were done interacting with the others classmates of ours.

The last time I and Kong both were here.. I slapped him and called him a cheat and failed our love.. but now.. he is back.. and I am still thinking of way to approach him. When Kong was done.. we went to Bright's bar.. he chose to have some non-alcoholic drinks.. but everyone of us were drinking heavily.. 

I know I was getting drunk.. but I was not dead drunk.. I leaned on to Kong's shoulder and held his hand.. He froze for a moment but then relaxed himself. 

"I am sorry Kong.. But please give me a chance.. I still love you.. and I have only loved you.. Please." I whispered.. Only Kong was able to hear it..
"P.. you are drunk.. " He whispered back.. and tried to free his hand from my grip but I held it tightly..
"I know.. but I am still in senses.. Kong please tell me do you love me..! Please give me a chance if you do.. I will anything to get you back.." I pleaded him.. this time everyone of our friends heard me.

"P.. we are over long back.. and.. and.. I moved on.." He said.. The last part came out with a broken voice.. that means he hasn't moved on from me.. he is still mine.. he still loves me.. and that was what I wanted to know.. I pulled him into a passionate kiss.. Though he was trying to free himself.. I held him tightly.. But soon he pushed me away and stood up glaring at me.. 

"I said we were over.. and how can you still say that you love me and only me when this very place you kissed a girl passionately just after a week we fought.. you want me to trust you.. and give you a chance..? What will you explain me..? Please P'Arthit.. stop all this.." He said and left without even letting me talk like the last time.. he did not even respond when his other friends called. The last time I blamed him.. now I forced myself onto him.. but I wanted to explain and talk.. What he said made me completely sober and regret it..

I stood up to chase him but was stopped by Em, May, Prae and Maprang.. Em punched me on very hardly..
"How dare you force yourself on him P'Arthit.. haven't you broken him enough..? P'.. what else you want to do..? You called him a cheat.. you slapped him... you push him away with the fear of people judging you.. you kissed a girl with in a week you both fought instead of trying to make up with him.. And what else do you want to do now..?" He shouted at me..

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