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Em's POV

I saw as Kong dozed of in P'Beam's hold.. P'Forth and P'Beam took Kong to his room and made him lay on the bed.. After that all of us sat in the living room.

"Em.. what exactly was the rumor..?" Uncle asked.. before I could speak P'Forth answered.
"There is a first year junior.. her name is Khofang.. there are two pictures.. one in which that girl was giving Kong a gear while the other where Kong was giving a gear to her.. It is a long distance shot.. it is not even clear whose gear that was.. or their expression.. and also they are co-codes.. so one person concluded things and posted it in the university forum while others started spreading it." P'Forth said.

"Who is the one who posted it at first place.?" Uncle asked the same question which was in my mind.
"Some first year student.. name was Phun.. " P'Forth said.
"My Co-code junior..?!" I exclaimed suddenly.. P'Forth just nodded his head.
"That damn junior did not learn his lesson to not meddle with other's privacy." I and May hissed.. I promised myself to give him a warning and a proper lesson when we go to the university tomorrow.

"But.. the thing I don't understand is Kong's gear is already with P'Arthit.. then how could he give his gear to Nong Khofang.. why did not people think about this.. especially P'Arthit.." May said after a minute of silence.
"They just trusted some stranger who posted things in the forum." P'Beam said with a sad voice.
"Nong Em.. can you please let them know the truth before coming back tomorrow.. and make sure that they would feel worse for what they did.." P'Forth said.
"P.. I will surely do that.. you don't have to ask for it.." I said..

Suddenly May's phone ringed.. it was Prae..
"It is our friend.. Prae.. she must have returned from her hometown.. she went directly from the gear ceremony along with another friend of ours.. Can I talk to her here itself.. they will surely ask about me and Kong.." She said.
"Your wish Nong..." P'Forth said. She took a breath before answering the call.

"May.. where are you..? Neither you.. Em or Kong are at your dorms..? And that idiot Kong is not even lifting his phone.. let me get my hands on him.." Prae exclaimed as May lifted the call. I could here their voices out as I was sitting close to May.
"Aw Prae.. tone down a bit will you.. Kong is not feeling well.. so I and Em are at his home." May said.
"Ah..? What happened.. I have never seen him falling sick.. it was once or twice since first year.. How is he..? Should we come over..?" She immediately asked..
"We can get some medicines if you want.." I heard Maprang say.
"No.. we are good... his parents are also here.. he is recovering well." May said. 

"May.. what is this I am seeing in the forum about Kong.. who filled it with this shit..?!" Maprang exclaimed suddenly.. May immediately put the phone on speaker..
"May.. what exactly is happening..? I don't believe this shit.. we all know how much Kong loves P'Arthit.. " Prae sounded serious..
"Unfortunately not all of us think like that.." I said.
"What do you mean by that Em..?" She asked.

I and May narrated the incident that happened in the canteen and chose not to tell anything else because it was Kong's decision to tell or not.
"How could they do that.. I swear I am going to give those three shitheads one when I meet them.. but I don't understand why P'Arthit reacted like that.. I mean.. he has Kong's gear right.. I remember Kong giving his gear to P in the first year.. then how does he think Kong would have given a gear to another girl.. and how can he slap Kong without even asking what actually happened..?" Prae exclaimed angrily.

"That is the problem Prae.. " May said..
"And Prae.. don't let this cause a drift between you people.. you know Kong very well, he would blame himself.." I said.
"I won't leave them or put them away.. but no one can stop me from knocking sense into them tomorrow the second we meet than.." Prae said. All of us could not help but smile a little.. She is surely the nicest girl..

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