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Arthit's POV

The next two weeks have passed in a blink.. we were all having a lot of pressure about meeting the deadlines.. but still I managed to take Kong out for lunch or some drink break because he would not stay back after the office time.. 

I wonder what is it that I still don't know.. I wanted to ask him.. but I did not want to pressure him.. I wanted him to open up by himself. I even spoke to my parents about Kong's return and told them everything.. I was happy that they supported me.. My Ma just asked me to court him if I still loved him.. and also warned me to not be a stupid again.

Most of the people in my office already know that I was wooing Kong.. At first they were confused about how we were this close but slowly they came to know that we went to the same university and because of some misunderstanding.. we broke up.. Now.. all of the are our fans and ship us... Sometimes they even ask Kong to accept me soon.. I was proud to have such staff 😁😁😁 but I made sure that they won't make Kong feel uneasy.. 

Today was no different we were working on the designs... but soon took a small coffee break..
"P'Arthit.. this Sunday are you free.?" Kong asked me suddenly.
"Yes.. you want some help..? I asked him.
"Na.. I want to tell you something.. so can we go out somewhere.?" He asked me nervously. I held the cup tightly so that I won't jump on him right away..
"Okay.. just tell me where we should meet.." I managed to say with a calm voice even though I was screaming inside because this was the first time Kong asked me out..

Sunday.. it is more 4days away.. why can't it come fast.. I really want to spend time with him in private.. After the day Kong asked me out.. I can feel that he is nervous.. he holds my hand every now and than.. It is like he is assuring himself that I would not leave him.. 

I chose not to speak anything.. Tomorrow was Sunday and as of now we were working on the designing it virtually.. When Kong got a call..

Kong's POV

Though I managed to ask P'Arthit out and tell him about Dara and Asnee.. I was nervous.. I could not help but think about what I should do if he thinks I am weird and leaves me.. though a part of me believes that he would accept it and stay.. I could not help but fee scared. I hold his hand every now and then so that I can assure myself that he is not leaving.. 

Today was Saturday.. though I am working.. all my thoughts were about tomorrow.. what will happen..? How should I tell him..? and all the other questions were running.. I was thankful to Em, P'Toey and Gulf who kept on encouraging all the while.. 

We were so focused on the preparing the virtual design when my phone rang.. it was Fiat's parent P'Krist.. I was confused why he was calling now.. it was near lunch time.. so I stepped a little back before answering the call.

"Swadee Khab P.." I said as I lift the call..
"N'Kong.. come to the Bangkok hospital fast.. Dara and Asnee met with an accident.." He said.. 
"WHAT..?!" I exclaimed.. I felt my world falling apart... 
"Nong.. please come fast.. and safely.. they need you.. they are asking for you.." He said. Everyone are already looking at me.. 
"I am coming P.. " I said and cut the call.

"Kong.. what happened..?" P'Arthit asked me.. as I was searching for my car keys.. which were no where to be found.. 
"They met with an accident.." I said.. I was already crying and still searching for the keys..
"Kong.. who are they..?" It was P'Toey and Em.. Everyone was getting worried... 

"Em.. Dara.. Asnee.. they met with an accident.." I said as I fell on the ground crying.. 
"What..?!" They were shocked... The next second all of us started to the hospital.. P'Toey pulled me into his vehicle.. P'Arthit was beside me while Gulf was beside P'Toey in the car.. 

I kept on cyring.. I was scared.. tensed.. P'Arthit hugged me tightly trying to console me.. I am glad that he is not asking me any questions.. As soon as we reached the hospital I rushed in.. I did not care about who were following me.. 

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