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Arthit's POV

By the time we reached... both our families were already gathered.. to our surprise Phi Forth and Phi Beam who were going to return two days later were also here along with Phi Beam's parents. Kong was very happy to see Phi Forth and Phi Beam that he hugged them like a kola bear. To the world he was Kongpob Suthilak who completed masters, has worked in prominent companies and is one of the who the business world worships. 

Phi Beam and Phi Forth bought gift for everyone including Pluto and Muffin which made Dara and Asnee very much happy. Once we calmed down, we sat around in the garden. Kong was sitiing beside me holding muffin and pluto while Dara and Asnee were with their grandparents.

"So Kong.. Arthit.. why did you ask us to gather here at first place.?" Mom asked.
"We wanted to share something with you all." I replied.
"Don't tell me you both fixed your marriage date.. I am so going to hit you both if you took that chance away from us.." Mom said while Mae and Phi Beam's mother nodded their head in agreement.

"Mae.. Mom.. calm down will you.. it isn't about marriage day or marriage arrangement.. but the news has something to do with it also." Kong replied shyly as he touched the ring on his finger which made me smile. 
"What is it..?" Por asked. We remained silent just with a wide smile.
"You both can't just sit there smiling.. Tell us." Phi Beam whined.

"Son.. please tell us already.." Aunty (Phi Beam's mother) said.
"Dara, Asnee.." Kong called them. They ran towards our car and took the scan copies and gave one to each couple.. it was already inside a postal cover. 
"Open it.. you will know." I said. Everyone opened it.. their eyes went wide and looked at us with shock and happiness..

"WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A SIBILING.." Dara and Asnee exclaimed happily which was followed my squeals and happy cheers from everyone. Mae, Mom and Aunty hugged were the first to hug Kong and the followed by Phi Beam and Phi Forth. Por, Dad and Uncle congratulated me by hugging me. Once everyone were done congratulating us.. we sat down and spoke to eachother. Phi Forth, Phi Beam, Mom and Dad shared me storied about Kong's previous pregnancy.

While Kong was being pampered by our mothers.. Phi Forth, Dad and the rest were warning me and guiding me about Kong's mood swings and emotions as well as cravings. I decided to learn more cooking so that I can cook everything Kong craves for. Phi Beam even explained Dara and Asnee about how the baby was inside Kong's tummy. He made sure to explain about Kong's mood swings and how tired he would be so that they would be careful around Kong. 

Dara and Asnee were more than understanding about the whole situation. They were pretty much more matured than other kids of their age when situation demands. They even took an oath to protect their little sibiling which made all the elders quite surprised but happy at the same time. Though I wasn't a part of their early years where they learnt their values.. But still I am proud of them and even of Kong who managed to make sure to put them in the right path.

I mentally promised myself to be there with them and make sure that they would follow the right path when they grow up into teenagers and adolocents. Sure, I was going to make sure to be there for my youngest baby also. When I looked up, I saw Kong pouting as he was already full but our mothers weren't going to let him go anytime soon.

We had a lot of fun.. most of the time Kong would manage to be beside me holding my hand but every now and then.. some one or the other pulls him to them. He would pout while he goes and then smiles widely when he gets a chance to come back to my side. I kept calm as I enjoyed this side of Kong which did not go unnoticed by others which resulted in them teasing me more. The past few days I was wondering why Kong kept texting even during his meeting time saying he misses me.. I just thought he is being cheeky just like the time he was in university.

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