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Kong's POV

Two weeks have passed very soon.. I was introduced as the second heir.. P'Forth and Pa has taken extreme measure to protect my privacy.. I spoke to the press and even gave some interviews..

I spoke to them mostly about my generic details.. my education details and other achievements.. current works.. and I told them that I was bisexual and had a past relation which ended 6yrs back itself.. I told them that after that relation.. I have dedicated my life to studies and other things and did not focus on any relations.. I promised to reveal if I find any partner.. and introduce that person when I was ready.. 

I was glad that it went well and no one pushed to reveal the person I loved once.. I thanked my parents for protecting my privacy because I wanted Dara and Asnee to lead a normal life and know the struggles as well as value of life and people with them.

Dara and Asnee were upset at me when I told them that I won't be able to take them to the event.. I had to plead them a lot and I promised to take them to the next event and also show the university after a few days.. I had to give them their favorite chocolate and strawberry cake to convince them. 

Tomorrow was the day.. Asnee and Dara helped to arrange my uniform again.. They were really happy and excited when they say me in the uniform.. That night I could not help but think about P'Arthit.. 

After the press meet.. I once called him P'Arthit.. I always call like him P'Arthit or P'Oon in my thoughts.. and I just slipped out.. I was at least glad that I did not call him P'Oon.. From that day onwards.. I started calling them P again instead of Khun.. I still remember the smile which P'Arthit gave me when I first called him like that.. I felt like my heart would break from rib cage or fail at the rate it was beating.

I was feeling nervous about how tomorrow will be.. Tew, Wad and Oak said that most of the students of our batch would come.. even Dae's batch.. Next day I woke up a little early than usual.. I prepared their favorite pancakes.. and then dropped them off at their school. They rushed inside after wishing me luck with my day..

After that I went back to my home and wore my uniform and got ready.. I took my gear and wore it to my hand like I used to in the university days.. Flashes of time I spend with P'Arthit were coming back into my mind.. the few sneaky kisses I used to steal from him in the university.. the times when I used to tease him and both our friends teasing us..

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rang.. it was Em.. 
"Hello.." I said as I answered the call.
"Kong.. where are you..?" He asked me..
"Still at home.. will start in few minutes.. " I said.
"You are fine right..?" He asked me.. 
"I am fine.. wait for me at the gate.. I will be there in time." I said and cut the call..

I am not sure.. I am not fine.. I felt my heart breaking at all the memories.. But still I need to go.. at least to meet our faculty.. who have been thanking me despite of my absence every year. I took a deep breath.. I had my Sun Glasses on.. no body will be able to identify me unless they focus more on me.

I drove towards my university.. Em called me on the way saying that the event has already started.. He and others were waiting for me at the gate while the rest of the students have already went inside. I parked the car and went to the spot where Em was waiting for me.. 

Along with my friends.. P'Arthit and his friends were also there.. I greeted them normally.. Em also had his glasses on..
"I was about to remind you about the glasses.. No one has yet recognized me.. it will be a surprise if they see us.. I wanted to reveal myself along with you." Em said as he gave me a hug.
"Fine let us go in now.. we can see around later.." I said.. 

We slowly made our way to the auditorium where the event was being organized.. The time when I and Prae performed was lingering in front of my eyes... That day I song the last song with P'Arthit in my heart.. 
"Kong.. do you remember the day you performed..?" Tew said suddenly.. I just nodded my head with a small smile.
"I was shocked with his first song.. I was like 'did they loose their brain somewhere..?'" Wad said. 

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