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Arthit's POV

Next day morning.. I made iced coffee for Kong along with the breakfast he always like when I cooked.. though it was a simple omelet.. he used to say that it was special for him.. I also decided to one more thing.. 

I had to rush to the office as I was getting late.. I parked my car and set my fair before I made into the office.. Kong and other were already there.. and started working. I greeted everyone and went to Kong's place.. he managed to create a small cabin type are for himself at one corner.. I  placed the drink and Omelet in front of Kong as I sat down beside him.. He looked at them and then at me with a wide smile and shining eyes..

"Thank you P.." He said.. 
"Only for you.. I won't allow you to share it.." I said.
"Oh.. you don't have to tell me.. you know how much I like your Omelet.." He said smiling brightly at me as he opened the box..

He was slowly eating while working.. when his phone ringed.. he took it out and kept the call on speaker..
"P'Forth..! " He said as he lifted the call...
"Kong.. I miss you.." P'Forth said..
"P'Beam would whine if he listens to this.." Kong teased.
"Not when even I miss you my brother-in-law.." P'Beam said from beside..
"Aw.. you both are there..? Is there something you want to say.?" Kong asked.
"Not only us.. but Ma and Pa are also here.. and we want have a family dinner today.. Beam's parents are also going to come and we want to discuss about our marriage.." P'Forth said.

"REALLY..! I will be there P.. around 6 or 6:30 in the evening.." Kong replied as he stopped everything he was doing.
"Then we will be waiting.. come fast and safely lil bro.. Now continue working.. bubyee." P'Forth said and cut the call.

"So finally Khun Forth is getting married.." I spoke as I was still looking at the files in front of me.
"Khab P.. I was waiting for that day when he would get married." Kong said.. 

Soon all of us sat near the big table and started with the designing part.. I and Kong were beside eachother while his team to the right and mine to the left.. Soon we started planning.. our first step was to make the machine detect recyclable and non-recyclable waste.. 

I took Kong out for our lunch.. I took him to the hotel where we used to eat before.. on the Rama 8 Bridge where I first accepted him.. While passing from there.. I noticed that Kong was still looking at that place where I kissed him for the first time. After ordering the food.. both us us wanted to walk as we have been sitting.. 

We were in comfortable silence.. both of us walking towards the same direction.. I wanted to stop at the same place.. but he also stopped without me saying anything... I could not help but watch him as he had a small smile standing there. He sat on the rod there.. while I leaned on it beside him..

 while I leaned on it beside him

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**Something like this**

"Kong.." I called him.. He looked at me.. "Thinking of our first kiss..?" I asked him.. he blushed a little but he did nod his head.. 

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