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Kong's POV

Today was the day I was going to meet Phi Arthit's parents. Though I have spoken to them and they seemed to be accepting and welcoming.. yet I can't help it but feel nervous. We woke up very early so that we can reach there sooner. I was sitting beside Phi Arthit while Dara and Asnee were sleeping behind. 

"Love.. what are you thinking..?" I heard Phi Arthit's voice and turned towards him.
"Nervous Phi.. I know they accept me.. and even I spoke to them.. but still I can't help it." I rambled which made him chuckle.
"Relax love.. I am here with you right.. You even bought gifts for them based on their likings.. They already like you.. so there is nothing to get nervous for." He said. I pouted and glared at him.
"Phi.. they are your parents and I am meeting them for the first time.." I whined. He suddenly stopped to the side.

"Why did you stop here..?" I asked looking outside. When I turned towards him.. he kissed me. 
"For this.." He whispered and then started driving. I was still looking at him with a shocked face which surely is red.
"Love.. stop staring if you don't want me to kiss you again.. we are just 5minutes away." He said which made me turn the other way. 

"Stop your pervert thoughts.. Let me wake our babies." I said and then turned behind.. 
"Sweetheart.." I called Asnee first cause I could reach him easily. "Wake up love.. we are almost there." I said when I saw him opening his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and looked around before waking up Dara.

"Did we reach..?" Dara asked still with a sleepy voice.
"Yes baby.. we are here.. we will reach in a few minutes." I said. She sat down properly and looked out along with Asnee. We soon reached their home. I and Phi Arthit got down first. I took Dara while Phi Arthit took Asnee. Dara was holding the gift I chose for Aunty while Asnee was holding the gift I chose for Uncle.

"Papa will they like us.? Will they play with us like Grandma and Grandpa..?" Dara asked.
"Yes sweetie.. they will.." I said and kissed her cheek.
"Are you ready love.? Shall we go..?" Phi Arthit asked. 
"Khab.. let us go." I said after I took a deep breath.

I followed Phi Arthit... we stopped in front of the door.. Phi Arthit knocked the door and then held my hand. Soon the door opened revealing a lady in her 40s. 
"Mae." Phi Arthit greeted her. She smiled widely and then looked at me. 
"Aww you are very cute and handsome son.. And this must be Dara and Asnee." She said warmly looking at me, Dara and then Asnee. I smiled at her.
"I am your son.. greet me atleast." Phi Arthit whined. 
"Not working.. still angry at you that you bought him this late." She said and pulled me inside. 

"Honey.. look Kong is here with our grandkids and stupid son." She said loudly. I put Dara and Asnee down as they wanted to walk.
"Papa.. this house is bigger than ours.. and also beautiful just like ours." Dara said.
"Yes Papa.. it is very warm.. just like ours and grandma's house." Asnee added. 

"That is because this is also your grandma's house..." Aunty said as she hugged Dara and Asnee. She kissed both their cheeks. "I love you both a lot.. how are you feeling now..?" She asked.
"We love you too Grandma.. and we are feeling good. Papa and Dad took care of us.. We are fine now." They said. It must be a twin thing cause they end up doing same things or saying same things most of the time. It made me smile. 

Soon we were joined by an elderly person.. who was Phi Arthit's father.. I greeted him and then introduced him to Dara and Asnee. 
"Thank you so much son. for giving my idiot son another chance. Sorry for what he put you through." Aunty said as she hugged me.
"Aunty.. it's fine.. It happened by mistake.. and we learnt from it.." I assured her.
"Call me Mom son.. and don't call him uncle.. it is Dad to you." She said. It made me shy and happy.

"Khab Mom.." I said. She hugged me a little longer. I could see Phi Arthit looking at me and smiling widely as he sat down near Dad with our kids. 
"Let me greet my other son honey.. you can't keep him with you forever." Dad said making me chuckle. 
"What can I do.. it made ma happy as I hugged him.. Arthit isn't much of a hugger.. but Kong is sweet.." She said.
"Mae.. I do hug you.." Phi Arthit whined making us chuckle. I hugged Dad before we sat down in the sofa.

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