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Kong's POV

I felt a hand around me.. I opened my eyes and saw P'Arthit was sleeping with his hands around me. He is my boyfriend now. I smiled at my thought. It was around 7:30 already. Asnee and Dara will wake in a while. I slowly freed myself from P'Arthit and went to freshen up. I texted Em asking him to get Muffin while he comes here. I asked him to make sure our seniors would be able to find the address easily. 

By the time I was done with preparing breakfast.. it was past 8:30.. I slowly entered the kids room after checking that P'Arthit was awake. I sat beside Dara and kissed her forehead. She was a deep sleeper.. I was looking at both of them and could not help but smile a little. I saw Asnee waking up, so I went and sat beside him.

"Good Morning sweetheart.." I said softly..
"Good Morning Papa." He said as he hugged me after sitting down.
"How are you feeling now.?" I asked as I rubbed his back slightly.
"Papa.. I could not sleep at night.. It was hurting if I sleep in one direction continuously." He said.
"Then why did you not call me.?" I asked him.

"I was sleepy Papa.. so I just turned and then slept again." He said.
"Today.. if you feel like that call for me.. or let me make arrangements for you both to sleep with me." I said. I could feel him nodding. 
"Baby boy.. is there anything else.?" I asked sensing his distress.

"I dreamt of the accident Papa.. I was scared.. and Papa.. even Dara dreamt about it I guess. I could feel her distress.." Asnee said. Both of them shared some sort of connection between them. They would always know when the other is sad or uncomfortable or what the other person is feeling. 

"Baby boy.. next time please wake me up.. and now you are safe nothing will happen to you.. I promise I won't let anything happen to any of you." I said as I pulled him more closer. I could feel him nodding his head. I felt the door opening and looked. It was P'Arthit.. he has already freshened up. 

"Good Morning P." I greeted him.
"Morning Kong.. Morning Son." He said as he joined us at Asnee's bed. 
"Morning Daddy." Asnee said.
"What happened baby boy.. you seem dull.?" P'Arthit asked as he took Asnee into his hands. 

"He dreamt about the accident last night.. also he felt pain when he slept in on position for a long time." I said as I saw Asnee was still being shy. 
"Were you scared..?" P'Arthit asked and this time Asnee nodded his head.
"Baby boy.. next time you are scared.. call me.. I will be there with you.. Okay.?" P'Arthit said with a small smile.

I was smiling at their interaction when I felt Dara also waking up.. I asked P'Arthit to sit down when he was about to stand up as he was holding Asnee and walked to her bed. 
"Good Morning Princess." I said when she opened her eyes. 
"Papa." She said and hugged me. She rest her head on my shoulder and wrapped her hands around my neck. I held her and then walked back to where P'Arthit and Asnee were sitting.

"Morning baby girl." P'Arthit said as he patted Dara's head slowly. 
"Good Morning Daddy." Dara replied with chirpy excited voice.
"Aww.. no good morning to papa now.?" I asked with a sulking voice to which she just smiled and kissed my cheeks making me chuckle.. she surely knows how to melt me..

"Now let us get you both ready so that you can have your breakfast." I said. I let P'Arthit hold both Dara and Asnee as I went and prepared bath for both of them. After that I took Dara inside while P'Arthit bought Asnee. I was glad that Asnee wasn't making a fuse for me to take him. He isn't one to accept people fast.. he likes to stay with me while Dara mixes pretty well with everyone.

After helping them to brush their teeth.. we helped them to take bath without disturbing their wounds. Then we got them dressed up and took them down. I arranged the breakfast on the table while P'Arthit helped Dara and Asnee to sit comfortably. 

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