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Kong's POV

I woke up feeling fresh and far better than the last couple of weeks.. I hugged P'Forth who was laying down beside me... 
"You are awake my little brother.. How are you feeling..?" He asked me as he hugged me back
"Khab P.. I am awake.. and I feel better." I said.
"Now freshen up.. Ma is cooking for us.. Em.. May and Beam are already here." P'Forth said.
"What time is it P.?" I asked..
"Near lunch time.. you slept happily so we let you sleep.." P'Forth said.
"I know I will sleep peacefully.. I had my brother beside me.. and I now my brother would protect me from everything.." I said.. He smiled widely and kissed my forehead..

"Now get ready.. let us have lunch.. I am really hungry.." P'Forth said. I went in to brush my teeth and take a bath.. Em already kept a pair of dress for me outside which I wore before going out. Though it was like a oversized shirt.. it was comfortable for me.. 

I went directly into the kitchen and hugged Ma from behind as she was cooking something.. 
"It smell delicious Ma.." I said as I inhaled the smell.. 
"Really.. then let me feed you more today.. I will make you more chubby.." Ma said making me chuckle..
"Khab Ma.. I will eat everything you feed me.." I said and tighten the hug..
"Now.. wait for me near the table.. I will come there with food." She said as she ruffled my hair. I kissed her cheek before joining others near the table.

"Kong.. I never thought you can be like a kiddo.." May said suddenly making everyone chuckle.. 
"Oh.. May.. you saw nothing.. he is the most spoiled.. I can understand Uncle and Aunty spoiling him.. but more than then P'Forth spoils him.. I never saw a brother who would be like P'Forth.. he never fights but are always close.. also.. you still haven't seen how spoiled he acts with P'Forth." Em replied.. and I could clearly understand that he is teasing me..

"P.. Look.." I said as I pouted and pointed at Em..
"Nong Em.. you won't like if I deal with you.." P'Forth immediately said as he smacked Em's head with a spoon. I stuck my tongue out at Em..
"See.. I told you na.." He whined to May.. I was about to say something but Ma came..

"Okay.. Kong.. Em.. you have a lot of time to tease eachother.. but first.. we will eat." Ma said. All of us started eating.. Ma was feeding me while P'Forth kept on placing food in the plate..
"Ma.. it is really delicious.. I miss your hand cooked food." I said..
"Aw.. then who asked you to take over as a head hazer.. you could not even come home for the whole semester.." Ma complained..

"So, tell me how was it to be a hazer..?" Pa asked me.
"Oh.. he must love it a lot Uncle.. I swear the freshman all are blind.. They do everything he says and even praise him a lot though he is the who shouts orders to them. They are all behind him with heart eyes.. while they get scared of me and other hazers.. They even run away if they see me or others.. but if they see Kong they would run to him and greet him.." He complained.
"What can I do.. they can't look away from my handsome face.. and accept it Em.. I am the best." I said and shurgged my shoulders to which Em rolled his eyes while others chuckled.

Though I felt my heart clenching remembering about one person.. I pushed it aside and smiled with the people whom I love.. After lunch.. all of us sat down.. P'Beam gave me some vitamins tablet along with a couple of more tabletsand asked me to take them regularly from now on.. 

"Kong.. We want to talk to you.." P'Forth said.. I know we will have a discussion soon.. so I nodded my head.
"Son.. what are you planning to do now..?" Pa asked me. I have already thought about it..
"Pa.. Can I transfer.." I said..
"Okay to which university..?" he asked.
"To another country.. preferably  America.." I replied. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes..

"Kong... you can't go to other country.. who will take care of you..?" Ma asked me..
"Mom.. Dad.. I think Kong going to America is good.. because.. There are specialists there who dealt with male pregnancy cases.. and here in Thailand.. we did not yet solve any such case and it would be risky..." P'Beam said.
"Than all of us can go.. and return after Kong giving birth." P'Forth said.

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