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Kong's POV

After getting freshened.. I made a call to P'Forth.. 

"Hello little brother.." He said as he lifted the call.
"P.. in how much time will you come here.?" I asked him.
"Will start in an hour.. why..?" He asked me.. 

"P.. while coming.. can you get some things where I can keep the cat.." I asked him..
"Hm.. okay.. should I get all the things you will need..?" He asked me.
"No P.. I want our babies to be a part preparing things for their beloved cat.. I want it to be memorable to them.. so get somethings temporarily along with food also." I said.
"Okay.. then I will get them.. and about dinner.. should we get something..?" He asked again.

"Na.. let me cook today.. ah and P.. get something where Dara and Asnee can sit and relax.. and even lean as they rest.." I added.
"Okay.. see you soon Kong.." He said before cutting the call

After that I went back to our babies room.. it felt nice to see P'Arthit with Dara and Asnee. I and P'Arthit put them to sleep after P'Arthit assured them that he would stay here when they are awake. I took our a pair of dress for P'Arthit as he said that he would join me for cooking after he takes a shower.. 

Before I walked out of the room.. I turned around and asked P'Arthit to ask me out again.. but when he said he would soon make me his husband.. I could feel my cheeks heating up because of which I hid my face in the crook of his neck before saying 'Yes' to him.

I went down and started preparing the ingredients.. I was planning to make chicken soup because both Dara and Asnee love it and a couple of pancakes for them. I wanted to cheer them up but did not want them to be stuffed with heavy pan cakes.. so just one each and that too a smaller one.

P'Arthit also helped me in preparing the other dishes.. soon more than an hour passed.. all the dishes were ready and I arranged them on the table.. I was making orange juice while I heard Asnee's voice from the baby monitor calling for me.. 

"I will go see.. come when you are done.." P'Arthit said and rushed up.. He must be feeling very happy and wants to spend more time with the babies.. so I joined them after placing the orange juice in the fridge.. I received a text from P'Forth and P'Beam saying that they will reach in another 15minutes.. 

I went to our babies room.. P'Arthit was talking to Asnee and Dara.. I leaned on to the door as I saw them talking.. I felt happy to see them together like this..

"Papa" I heard Dara and Asnee call me.. I smiled at them before walking to them.. 
"How are you both feeling now..? Pain.? Dizzy.?" I asked as I kissed both their foreheads.. 
"A little pain but I feel better.." Dara said..
"Then what about you Mister..?" I asked as I caressed Asnee's cheek.. 
"Better Papa.. only little pain." He said.. 

"Then shall we go down.? Your grandparents and Uncles are going to come soon.." I asked them.. 
"Khab.." They said.. I first helped P'Arthit to carry Dara while I slowly took Asnee in my hands.. As we got down... the doorbell rang.. I opened the door slowly as I still held Asnee in my hands..

"Grandma.. Grandma.." Asnee called her making grabby hands to her.. Ma immediately took him into her arms.. 
"Aw baby boy missed me ah.." She said ruffling his hair slowly not to disturb the bandage.. 
"See.. Asnee doesn't even remember us now.. " P'Beam said playfully pouting.. 
"Uncle Beam.. I love you.. but I love Grandma a little more.." Asnee said cutely making us chuckle.. 

"Okay.. you can argue later.. but first come in.. it is becoming cold outside." I said.. Everyone of us sat down the living room.
"Grandpa.." Dara called for Pa and went to him.

"See Forth.. here we bought things for their cute muffin.. but they are not even coming to us.." P'Beam complained.. I laughed at their antics as I sat down beside P'Arthit..
"P.. relax.. nothing will happen.." I whispered to his as I felt him nervous. He gave me smile and then we focused back on our babies..

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