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Kong's POV

"Swadee Khab. I am Kongpob Suthilak. I know you all have a bundle of questions for me and my fiancee but before that I would like to request you all to listen to what I say. After that if there are any questions, then I will answer." I said. "Before starting.. let me warn you.. NEVER DIG UP INTO MY RELATION.. IT IS MY PERSONAL LIFE. If anyone is going to dig it up and put in media go ahead cause I will let you taste your own medicine by publishing your relationship also. I might be kind but I won't sit back if you do something to hurt my family or people I love and care for." I added as sternly as I could.

"It was 8years ago that we first met.. he was the head hazer of our batch when we were studying engineering. At first I used to revolt against him every chance I got.. no wait.. I revolted against him for the whole hazing period till the last days when I realized their actual intentions. Things were quite rough between us as I kept riling him up every chance I got cause the way both of us approach a situation and handle it are exactly opposite. I tend to be calm and listen more while trying to speak in the kindest way possible to let the others understand my point of view.. but then I met him... he shouted at us.. gave us orders and was harsh to us." I said and looked at Phi with a small smile.

"Obivously our start was not good as we always fought and argued.. but when I realized his intentions and reasons.. I started understanding him.. then finally fell for him.. he is my first love.. so that is the reason I hesitated to say that I was a bisexual. I did not find any boy attractive in a romantic way other than Phi Arthit... neither was I attracted to any girl before though I say a person is cute." I said with a wide smile which earned some squeals.

"I was the first to realize our love.. I was the one to chase.. and then we ended up together after a while. He was the one who announced proudly to our wholw faculty about our relation. We enjoyed our life to the best we can. We studied.. worked hard and even planned our future. We helped eachother and took care of eachother at the lowest points. We stood by eachother and eventually I became a head hazer. Though I changed the approach of hazers.. he still supported me along with his friends and guided my batch to do the hazing successfully." I said and then started thinking about how to convey about our breakup. No one can dig up about the kiss and shit so only a rumor was what they will know.

"But everyone relationships have it's own ups and downs right.. and even ours to had.. At that time, Phi Arthit was kind of shy and not this confident.. yes he was confident in his works and all but he was not confident about our relation cause it was something not widely accepted at that time. He was worried if he would spoil my future especially since he was elder than me.. he was always scared about that. In that stage when he heard a rumor about me and some junior girl.. he did not think twice before reacting. It was a false rumor which we recently talked about before restarting our relation after I returned." I said. Now it was time to speak about my pregnancy, the most scary part for me. I felt Phi Arthit squeezing my hand and our family was giving me assuring smile.

"You all might be wondering why I took six long years of break. I wasn't even in this country and left without even talking about it. He hasn't seen me in this whole duration. The reason was I could get pregnant. And I was pregnant at the time we had our fight. I am a bearer." I said and stood up slowly. I walked behind the chair and stood with my arms resting on the chair.

"I haven't told him about it. I heard about bearers.. I have always respected them and even known a few but I was shocked to know I was one. It was time when only a few people were accepting towards same sex relations but not many. I was scared how people will see me. I was scared how will Phi Arthit, the person I love see me. I was scared about how it will effect my family. I was scared about how to take the pregnancy further cause there was no way I was killing a life which was going to be born from me. We weren't having many facilities in Thailand to deal with male pregnancy but in America we had them. That was when Phi Beam introduced me to his friend Phi Ohm who was a specialist in dealing with pregnancies especially male." I said trying to keep my emotions at bay.

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