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Arthit's POV

I was having a mixed emotions in me.. did Kong move on.? Will he talk to me at least normally.. will I be able to win him over again..? All kind of possibilities have been revolving around in my head.

"Khun Arthit what would you like to eat.?" Em asked me pully me out of my thoughts.
"Spicy Tom Yum would do.." I said as everyone else odered the same..
"Okay.." He said.
"Shall we go..?" He asked again. 

The lady from morning has collected the orders saying that Kong asked her to collect and then we made our way to the eating area as she said that the orders will be sent there.. We followed Em and the others behind.
"Arthit.. what are you thinking.?" Prem asked me.
"I don't know.. it is just like a dream to me.. But I will surely try chasing him." I said.

"P'Tew and P'Wad already saw P'Kong in the morning.. he went to their office to meet their Boss.. her name is Lawan.. he spoke to P'Prae but not with them it seems." Dae said.
"Who is Lawan..?" I could help but ask..
"I don't know P.. but they did ask P'Prae about P'Kong and Lawan.. she said that they were classmates and have known eachother for the past 6yrs." Dae said.

They have been with him since the day I left him broken.. I really want one chance to explain him and ask for forgiveness.. and also if possible to start a fresh with him.

Maprang was talking with May and Em along with Dae.. while Gulf and Toey were speaking something secretly.. while we were in our own thought. Soon the food arrived.. Em called Kong and informed about to it.. Toey excused himself saying that he would be back soon. There was complete silence formed. Em and May were the only one whispering something among themsleves.

"P'Em.. P'May.. to which university did you all transfer to.?" Dae asked suddenly breaking the silence which was formed.
"We completed our studies at Stanford University.." It was Kong who replied as he joined the table along with Toey hearing which Em and May have shifted the attention to everyone giving a apologetical smile for not paying attention.
"Really..? Three of you were together.?" Dae asked.
"Khab.. three of us studied together.. and were together.. these were our classmates in Stanford.." Kong replied pointing at Toey and Gulf.

"But P'Kong.. if P'Toey is your classmate.. then why do you call him P.?" Dae asked again.. At time like this I am glad Dae askes so many questions..
"Oh.. due to some issues.. I changed the department I was studying so though I am two years elder than them.. I ended up studying with them." Toey replied.
"Okay.. let us start eating when the food is still hot.." Kong said. He and Em distributed the food among all of us.

"P'Kong can I ask you another question.. Please.!" Dae spoke again making Kong chuckle along with Em and May.
"You are still a little questionnaire Dae.. you can ask.. I don't mid." Kong said.
"What did you do all these years P after graduation.." Dae asked.
"Hm... after graduation.. I worked part-time did a couple or internship and also did my master in Economics and Management.." Kong replied. The news about him is very true.

"Then what about you P'Em.. P'May.." He asked.
"I joined in Master along with Kong.. while May.. she worked at **** company along with P'Toey and Gulf." Em answered.
"One last question P.." Dae said giving his puppy eyes.. Kong ruffled his hair.
"Go on Kiddo.." He said smiling warmly which made my heart flutter.
"Why did you not return all this while P.. you know.. the whole university forum was filled with apology to you for a whole year.. we were all trying to contact you but could not P.. you did not even give us a chance to say sorry.." Dae asked.

"I did not know about that.. to be frank.. I did not chose to leave because I was angry of the rumor or something.. that surely happens in every university.. there was something else which I wanted to leave behind." He said after a long silence.. and the last part he said looking at me which made my heart feel the hurt.. But I couldn't say anything cause it was due to me and my stupidity did I loose him.
"I wanted to start a new life.. so I deleted all my old accounts and created few new ones.. even the number.. and I also did not know about the forum.. if I would have known.. I would have surely put at least one message.." He added.

"We missed you P'Kong.. a lot.. still most of my classmates.. your classmates and your juniors.. especially P'Phun kept on hoping to meet you at least once P.. They attend every event every year hopping to see you at least once.. even the lectures. I am glad I got to meet you P.." Dae said with a longing voice.

"Tell them to forget that incident Nong Dae.. tell them I really don't mind it anymore.. especially Nong Phun.. there is no need for him to feel sorry." Kong said with a calm soft voice. 
"No P.. I am sure one day you will meet everyone.. you should be the one to tell not me P.." Dae said.
"We will see Nong.." Kong replied and gave a little smile.. 

Soon the topic changed.. May spoke about the girl Lawan and spoke about her crush.. Kong said that it would be surprise and he was not going to tell.. I was  glad that it was not him who she crushed on.. We were done with our eating.. we made our way to our company.. 

"Kong.. " I heard Oak calling him as we were walking towards our vehicles. Everyone of us stopped.. Em was beside Kong. I, Knot and Prem were holding our breaths.. May and Maprang were holding eachother's hand tightly with hope and expectations.
"I am sorry Kong.. I am really sorry.. Please forgive me.. I regret it even now.. I regret speaking like that.. even after knowing what kind of person you were.. Please talk to me.. I can't take this anymore.. I have lost your presence for 6yrs already.. I will do anything but please give me one chance to be your friend again." Oak said with a breaking voice.. He had tears in his eyes as he spoke.. 

All of us were holding our breath.. we could not predict how would Kong react.. We saw as Em put his hand on Kong's shoulder before Kong hugged Oak along with Em. May and Maprang were having happy tears in their eyes.. I could not help but think if Kong would forgive me..

"Thank you.. thank you so much Kong.. I am sorry.. I am really sorry Kong.. Em.." Oak said still not letting go of the hug.
"Let it go Oak.. it was in the past.. though I was hurt.. but that was not the reason I left.. though I haven't spoken to you.. Neither of us forgot about you all." Kong said.

"I am happy to see my boyfriend and friends bonding again." Maprang said.. 
"Really..? Did this dumb head realize it..?" Em said as he swung his hand around Oak's shoulder. 
"It was recently.. a 1 and half month.." Maprang said shyly..
"You are really dumb Oak.. I pity you Maprang.. you had to wait this long for this shit." Kong said with a teasing smile..
"Don't you dare Kong.. you are not gonna tease me or my boyfriend the next second you both patched up..." Maprang warned Kong..

"WHIPPED..!" Kong.. Em and May said together making Oak shy and Maprang blush.
"P'Kong.. Will you talk to P'Tew and P'Wad also..?" Dae asked.
"Hm.. surely.. but I need to see when I can meet..." Kong replied after thinking for a minute.. 

"Really..! P..P.. P'Tew would come to pick me up today.. while P'Wad would come to meet P'Prem.. will you meet them then..? We can hang out together.. please P.. Please.." Dae pleaded. 
"I will meet them Dae.. I already saw them in the morning.. but could not speak. And about hanging out.. maybe later.. because in the evening I have a little work.." Kong said. 

"Thank you P.. I have been waiting to meet you and see you all together P.." Dae said as he hugged Kong.. I really wanted to be the one to hug Kong like that.. Only I know how much I am holding back..
"By the way.. you haven't told me why would Tew pick you up..?" Kong asked as he broke the hug. His eyes were shining and he was smirking.. so I guessed that he already knew the answer but wanted hear from him.

"Ah.. P.. That.. we both are dating.. also P'Wad and P'Prem are dating.." Dae replied shyly..
"Congratulations.. and always be happy.." Kong said. Em and May also congratulated Dae..
"We waited for this moment for 6yrs.. 6 whole years.. and finally here it is happening." Prem said.
"Welcome back three of you.." Knot and Prem said.
"Thank you P.. " they replied.. "And Congratulations to you to P'Prem.." Kong added to which Prem smiled widely..

I don't know what got into me.. but I just went and hugged Kong tightly... 
"Welcome back Kong.." I whispered.. He did not reply but instead he froze..
"Khun Arthit.." He said.. I immediately let go of him listening to him call me Khun..
"I hope we can be professional enough.." He said as he took a step back and put forward his hand.. It made me feel like shit.. I tried to stop the tears that were threating to come out and shook his hand with a forced smile..

After that we went into the vehicles.. Kong was with Em.. Toey and Gulf.. I, Knot and Prem were in one car while May, Maprang, Oak and Dae were in another car. 
"Arthit.. are you fine...?" Knot asked me.. I could not hold back my tears anymore.. They kept on rolling immediately.. 
"I am not.. I miss him Knot.. though it was a second that I could hug him.. I felt alive again.. but the way he offered a shake hand and asked me to be professional.. I lost again.. I feel like I have done things beyond repair.. I don't really know what to do.." I said as I continued crying..

"Arthit.. you know right that he saw you kissing someone else.. how would you feel if you were in his place especially just after a fight like that..? Take things slowly Arthit.. if you really love him.. first make him comfortable around you.. clear the air between you to.. gain his trust and then chase him again Arthit.. you can't just go hug him as if nothing happened." Knot said.

"I'll Knot.. I still love him.. I will try every possible way to win him back." I replied and remained silent for the rest journey... 

Kong's POV

I froze the second P'Arthit hugged me.. I have been craving for this for 6yrs.. but I managed to burry my feelings in my heart without anyone knowing.. but just his hug dug them out.. it took every cell in me to call him 'Khun Arthit' and stop myself from hugging him.

I took the driving seat.. Em was beside me while P'Toey and Gulf were seated at the behind.. I started following Maprang's car.. I was still unable to forget the hug.. I wanted to hug him again.. I could not help but think why he isn't with the girl I saw him kissing.

"Kong.. you can let it out you know.." Em said.. that was all it took me to let out my tears.. I stopped the car to the side.. and rested my head on the steering wheel. Em asked May to share the location and said that we would stop and get some drinks for everyone.. 

"Why do I have to be this weak..? After all the heart break I went through.. one hug and three words.. stirred up all the emotions again.. why can't I stop loving him.." I sobbed as I put my head on the car steering.. 
"Kong calm down will you.. please.." Gulf said..
"You know we can't see you crying Kong.. please.." P'Toey said.. 

"P.. why am I this week..? Why can't I hate that person who hurt me P.. " I said as I turned around.. Em hugged me while Gulf and P'Toey were running their hand on my back asking me to calm down.. It took me whole 10minutes to calm down.. and started driving again.

"Em.. get 6 iced coffee.. 2 milkshakes.. 1 chocolate milk shakes and get me 1 Latte" I said as I stopped in front of the some drink shop. 
"Kong.. do you still love Arthit.?" P'Toey asked me.
"Never stopped loving P.." I said with a low voice.

"Kong why don't you give him a second chance..?" Gulf asked.
"I am scared.." I accepted..
"Why..?" He asked me again..
"Because the next time he break me.. it won't be only me.. it would even include Dara and Asnee.. I can't let them get hurt.." I replied.
"If at all you feel like he deserves it.. than go for it Kong.. you will always have us with you.." P'Toey said. 

Soon Em returned.. I drove as Em gave me the directions.. 
"Did you buy the drinks or make it.. what took you so long.?" May asked.. 
"There was a big queue.." Em said and started distributing the drinks.. 
"You are fine right..?" May asked me as she stood beside me..
"Better.." I replied..
"I take that as you have already spoke and let out things.." May said. I gave her a nod and a little smile which she returned.

"Kong.. stop flirting with my girlfriend.. I will surely kill you even though you are my best friend." Em shouted as he continued handing over drinks.. 
"Oh shut up Em.. Say that again.. and I will surely do that.." I replied back to him..
"Even if he doesn't.. I myself will flirt.." May added.. 

"Aw.. May.. you need to support me.." He whined as he gave me and May our drinks.. 

"Kong how about we hang out together..? Are you free today..? " May asked me in a teasing tone.. 
"If it is you.. I am always free May.." I replied in the same way..
"Shut up you two..! Okay.. I accept defeat.. I won't tease you both like that.." Em said as he pulled May to him making everyone laugh..

Will Kong ever forgive Arthit..?

Will Arthit be able to win Kong and his love back..?

Will Kong's family be accepting Arthit..?

Will Arthit's family find Kong weird and reject him or will they accept him..?

Please vote and comment.. Thank you..!

Stay safe and Stay Happy...!


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