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Arthit's POV

Kong.. it is Kong.. my Kong who is in front of me.. I shared a look with Knot and Prem to confirm whether it is true or my imagination.. But the look on their faces say it is true.. I felt angry when she was talking to Kong that rudely.. I was about to meddle but Knot stopped me.. I looked at him questioningly.

"Not everyone can come to this floor by themselves.. and look at him.. just wait for a while.. we will see and then react if needed.." He whispered.. Then I noticed things.. He was dressed in a costly designer suit while a branded watch and all..

I stood up when she call him a fling.. I wanted to speak but Kong's reaction stopped me.. I heard him speaking to someone.. whom I guess is pretty close to him.. I felt the urge to hug him but the way he froze when he saw me and then acted as if he did not know made my heart to feel the pain. He sat down beside me but still hasn't spared me another glance while I, Knot and Prem have been staring at him.

Within a minute.. Khun Suthilak.. Khun Forth and other board members rushed towards us.. I and my friends were shocked to see them practically running and could not help but wonder what happened.. all of us stood up.. even that lady moved aside.. but Kong was still sitting.. I thought he did not know so I was about to ask him to get up.. but stopped when I saw that he was glaring Khun Forth..

And then Khun Forth called Kong very affectionately to my liking.. I was still not able to digest the conversation Kong was having with Khun Forth.. it was clear that they both were close.. And then we heard Khun Forth addressing Kong as 'baby brother'..

That means he is the heir of Siam Polymer.. it was like confirmation when Khun Suthilak said that Kongpob was his second son. I was dumbstruck with the revelation.. I was still digesting the facts but I could not stopping looking at him.. he became more handsome.. and cute.. especially when he was glaring at Khun Forth..

All of us made way into the meeting room.. introductions were made.. the board members have expressed their expectations from the project.. They want to design a machine which would recycle even plastics and other waste.. as well as a machine to segregate recyclable and non recyclable material..

They want to take this step to help cleaning the environment.. and if we succeed we can even establish a factory later with 50-50 ownership.. This was really a best deal for both my professional as well as personal love life.. Another thing I could not help but notice was the way Kong was speaking. His voice carried respect for everyone and his gestures were polite while he was giving out a calm and positive vibe making everyone feel free.

I am going to get a chance to work with the best company as well as a chance to win back the love of my life.. for whom I have been waiting since the day he left after getting hurt with my stupidity.. This project was going to change both my professional and personal life..

The board members took their leave.. along with Khun Suthilak.. It was only we.. Khun Forth and Kong.. Kong made a call and asked someone to come now..
"Kong's team would be here in a while.. we can discuss some basic things before ending the meeting.. Is it okay.?" Khun Forth asked.
"Khab Khun Forth.." I said..

Kong was still not looking at us.. to be precise at me.. he did glance at the others.. he whispered something with Khun Forth

Kong's POV

"P'Forth.. do you really hate me so much..?" I whispered to P'Forth after making a call to Em asking him to come to the meeting.
"Aw.. why do you say that.. you know how much I love you right.." He whispered back..
"You really don't remember who Arthit Rojnapath is..?" I whisper asked him in disbelief..
"I came to know his name today itself.. I kept hearing his name or Rojnapath.. I actually met Mr. Itikorn and communicated with him.." He said.. I just shook my head..
"Fine.. I will tell you later but keep quiet now.. and don't react later.." I said.

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