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Arthit's POV

We could not help but laugh at how Kong and May were teasing Em.. After that we took them inside the office.. I have introduced them at the reception and told them that they would be working in the office for a while.. I asked her to make a note to not stop them from entering.. 

I have introduced them to the office mates.. I did not specifically introduce every person.. I just told that they will be the team working on the project representing Siam Polymers.. I am already regretting that I chose this place.. as most of them are already drooling over Kong.. Most of the girls and some boys also.. 

Knot and Prem went ahead to prepare the access key cards to the room we were going to work for Kong, Em, May, Toey and Gulf. I showed them our cabins and then went to the meeting room.. where we would do the project.. Everyone were looking around...

"This is perfect for us to work here Khun Arthit.." Kong said to me.. Hearing him call me Khun was breaking my heart again and again..
"Kong.. can you at least call me P'Arthit.. please.." I whispered.. I was not actually thinking about saying it out but it did come.. I looked around to see everyone in their own world.
"You lost that Khun Arthit.." He said without any emotions.
"I am sorry for hurting you Kong.. I must have spoken to you.. but let me ask for one thing Kong.. I know I might be selfish for asking this.. but if possible let us talk about things.." I said sincerely pleaded him...

"I don't think after 6 years.. it would be needed.. but if time comes.. then we can maybe talk.. but as of now.. I don't want to talk anything more than work.. As for calling you P'Arthit.. I will let time decide about that." Kong replied.. This time his voice was normal but held authority.. because of which I could only nod my head..

Soon we joined others.. Knot gave the keycards to everyone.. we decided to meet again tomorrow at morning 9.. 
"Kong.. Em.. May.. give us your number now.. and connect with us in all social media.." I saw them exchanging the numbers.. and getting connected through Social Media.. 

"Arthit.. don't you think you need to ask..?" Knot whispered..
"I am nervous." I said and saw both Knot and Prem hit themselves on their head.

"Khun Arthit.. can I have your mail id.. and shall we add eachother on line..?" Kong said.
"I use the same mail id Kong.." I said as I scanned the QR code he showed.. we were now connected through Line.. 

"I have texted my phone number and mail id details on line.. I hope you send me yours also." He said. I said 'Okay' and sent him the details.. 

Kong's POV

When P'Arthit said that he uses the same mail id.. it was at the tip of tongue and I was about to recite it to confirm.. but I stopped myself and asked him to send the details after I sent him mine. He just said okay before sending me his details..

I was talking to P'Toey when Dae came to me jumping excitedly... 
"P'Kong.. P'Kong.. come with me.." He said excitedly as he held my hand and started pulling me.. Em.. May.. and others followed us silently.. 
"P'Arthit.. sorry.. I am using your cabin.." Dae shouted as he pulled me into the cabin.. 

I looked behind and saw that everyone were following us silently.. I looked forward as I felt Dae stopped pulling me.. only to see Tew and Wad there.. looking at me with guilty eyes.. I froze for a second and cleared my throat to speak something.. 

But before I know.. those two hugged me tightly... I could feel them sobbing.. 
"Aw.. I thought you were strong hazers.. but you both are cry babies.." I teased them and try to make them feel less guilty.. but I guess I made them feel more guilty.. as they held me more tightly..

"I am sorry.. I am sorry.. I missed you.. please don't leave like that... " They both kept on saying continuously.. 
"Tew.. Wad.. stop crying now.. I am already back now right.. please let that be in the past.." I said as I broke the hug.

"Kong.. I am really sorry.. I did the worst thing.. I acted like a shit.. I am really sorry Kong." Tew said.
"Even I acted like Shit.. we only got to know the things and our loss after you left.. we came to know our mistake as we felt your absence.. Please Kong.. please give us a chance to be your friends again.. even if you don't trust us.. please don't push us away.. we will earn your trust.." Wad said.

This was shocking to hear coming from Wad.. I could not help but smile at them..
"There is no need to earn anything Wad.. I am good now.. it is just that I felt many things and had many things to deal with at that time.. so I chose to leave and give myself time.. I forgave and forgot the things long back.. and trust me.. we are good.." I said.. 
"Really..? You are not angry at us..?" Tew asked.

"Trust me when I say that we were hell angry on you three.. even on the graduation day we could help but think of the promises we made to stick together.. " Em said walking behind me and dropping his hand around my shoulder.. Even Oak came and stood beside Tew and Wad.. 
"We were just satisfied seeing your photos at least.. every photo.. when you were taking prizes and all.." Em added.. this time he was having tears is his eyes.. 
"I could not help but think about how it would have been if we would have been together.." He added with a little low voice.

I rubbed his back trying him to calm down.. but I was failing as even I was getting tears in my eyes remembering those days.. 5 of us had a group hug.. we held eachother tightly.. I know though I was hurt.. they were not the main reason I chose to leave.. and after 6 years.. I can't blame them any more after knowing how much these three regretted everything through Maprang and Prae. 

We let go of eachother after all of us calmed down.. 
"Wait.. how did you get our photos..?" Tew asked suddenly.. I and Em smile sheepishly.. 
"Kong.. Em.. is there anything you want to tell us..?" Wad asked..

"We might not have been in touch with Prae and Maprang.. Also kept on taking updates about you guys from time to time.." I said the exact reverse thing with a teasing smile.
"We might not have asked them to send us all your moments.." Em added playing along with me..
"And we might not have been a part of every happy and sad moment without you knowing, cheering from afar silently.." May added..

We turned around and saw that Prae was also here..  Everyone's faces expressions showed that they were completely shocked..

"Why did you both not tell us that you were in touch with Kong and these two.?" Oak asked..
"We actually met him after the interaction with Em.. he said that he needs sometime.. and at that time.. he was also sick.. When we met him.. he could barely eat.. May told that he was throwing up everything from a couple of weeks and is sick.. he told us that he would get in touch with us after he settles and feels better.. seeing his position.. we chose to keep it a secret.. so that we would at least know his updates.. We actually promised not to reveal that we were in touch with them." Maprang explained.

"They did not contact us for the first few months.. after 2 months we nearly lost all the hopes about him contacting us.. and we could not find any other way... it was some where in the 3rd month that they called us through skype at around 10 at night. At first.. I thought that it was some random number.. but I lifted it the third time I got the call continuously.. and that was when I heard the Kong calling my name.. with Em and May beside him.. They did not tell us any details except for that they were studying in Stanford University.. they did not give us their contact info.. social media accounts or anything.. only May's skype id..." Prae added.. 

"We called them every weekend.. they would tell us about how you three would blabber about missing three of us.. when the 5 of you hang out together.. there was time we wanted to talk but the circumstances did not allow.. there were many things that were happening.. so we chose to keep it like that.." May said..

"You remember.. in our fourth year.. we were always sad and tensed for a couple of weeks..?" Maprang asked.
"Yes.. both of you were lost somewhere.. did not speak much.. we thought something happened." Tew said.
"That time.. these three people bailed on us without any information.. they wouldn't pick up the calls.. we tried tried searching their info through student details in Stanford University Site.. but failed.. we were about to think of going there when May and Em finally called us back.. At that time something happened to Kong and he was out for nearly 10 days.. and these two just stayed back in the hospital and forgot about us.." Prae explained..

"Even after we saw Kong again.. we could see that he was tired and he was having black circles and carry bags under his eyes.. we did not ask much because he was not ready to tell.. but slowly he became normal.. so we let it go.. After that we were all busy with our own works.. and they were also. Seeing Kong and Em taking up masters.. while May also started working there.. we lost hopes about them returning and you all re-uniting like this.." Prae added..

"But who would have known that... this Kongpob.. who had been simple scholarship person.. who had a down to earth character and works part time jobs.. would be the second heir of Suthilak's..? Maprang said after a few minutes..

"WHAT..?!" Prae, Tew and Wad exclaimed with shocked faces...
"Yes.. he is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Suthilak and the brother of Forth Suthilak whom you all idolize.. that was the reason you all could not get any details from the managements about us.. his father helped us to keep them secret." Em said.

"So.. it is for you that the whole Thailand business world are waiting to see..?" Wad said.
"Shut up..! It is not just Thailand.. many more top business people are waiting to see who he is." Tew said.. 
"Okay both of you.. enough.. that won't change anything for me.. you all will still be my friends.. unless.. You don't want it.." I said and teased them a little.. 
"SHUT UP.. who cares you are a Suthilak or not... you will always be our friend whom we looked forward for everyday..." Tew said.. 

After few more minutes.. I introduced them to P'Toey and Gulf.. I also told them that Lawan was also one among us who studied and been with me for the last 6 yrs.. P'Toey was happy that I have made up with my friends.. I also know that he wants me to give a chance to P'Arthit but I was not ready for that step yet.. And I also chose to keep it a secret about Dara and Asnee.

My phone alarm ringed reminding me about picking up Dara and Asnee.. 
"Okay guys.. I got to leave.. I have a work to do.. " I said to everyone.. 
"Em.. May.. you can hang out with them.. and let me know if you get drunk.. I will pick you guys up.." I said..
"P'Toey.. Gulf.. I will see you over dinner.. bring P'Ohm and P'Mew also." I added.. I wai'ed to everyone and promised to hang out with them next time before leaving. I even hugged Tew, Wad and Oak before I walked out.

Arthit's POV

I felt like crying when I heard how much Kong suffered because of me.. I did not even know tears were rolling freely as I imagined Kong being sick when he met Prae and Maprang.. If not for Knot.. I would not even have know that I was actually crying.. 

It practically gave me an heart attack thinking about what would have actually happened.. when they said Kong did not wake up for 10 complete days.. But I relaxed knowing that he is completely fine now.. I felt sad seeing Kong leave early.. I, Knot and Prem chose to remain silent and listen to them as we sat down in my cabin.

"Maprang.. why did you not tell us about at least him being fine..?" Oak asked.. 
"You never asked me or Prae.. how would we know that you were searching and thinking about them.. you would just blabber about missing them only when you drink or hang out with us. And other reason is.. we gave them our word to not inform you so that they would keep in touch." She replied..

They were right.. we never asked them... we tried by ourselves.. and asked everyone but not Prae and Maprang.. I mentally scolded myself for not asking them.
"By the way P'Toey.. who are P'Ohm and P'Mew..?"  Prae asked.. I focused on them again.. 
"Oh.. P'Ohm is my boyfriend.." Toey said.
"And P'Mew is my boyfriend." Gulf said.
"We met P'Ohm first.. he was P'Beam's friend.. P'Beam is P'Forth's lover. Through him we came to know P'Toey and from P'Toey we came to know his friends.. along with Lawan.. there is another girl Jessy who was with us.. but she chose to roam around the world when we decided to return here.. But she is still in touch with us.." May said.

Slowly even we involved into the discussion as we got some drinks.. Em.. May and Gulf were still not speaking much to me while Toey was talking normally.. They shared their details but haven't given their addresses.. I did not give it much thought.. but felt like there is something more they haven't told us yet.. 

After they dispersed.. I, Knot and Prem decided to gather at Bright's bar.. I asked Tutah and Bright also to come..

Hope you are enjoying reading..! 

Let us see the unfolding drama where Arthit tried to win back Kong.. 

Will Kong give a hard time or will he try to avoid Arthit and get over him.?

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Thank you..! Stay safe and happy...!


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