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Kong's POV

I really like the home P'Forth selected for us.. it has a beautiful garden.. and he also got my room decorated.. it felt warm and safe.. there were 4 bedrooms.. living room.. kitchen and a dining area..

Pa.. Ma.. P'Forth and P'Beam stayed back for a whole week and helped us to buy favorable clothing to the weather conditions here.. along with fruits.. vegetables.. juice maker.. dish washer.. and a washing machine along with a TV.

They organized a small home warming party along with P'Ohm and his boyfriend P'Toey who is also a student in Stanford university and is going to be my classmate.. I could not help but think why they asked me to call him P.. if he is going to be my classmate.. Then P'Toey explained that he is 2yrs elder than me.. he discontinued his previous course and then took up this.. because of which he was going to be my classmate.

While having dinner.. P'Forth has managed to convince P'Ohm and P'Toey to stay with us while we would be here.. At first they hesitated but soon accepted.. I could see P'Toey was looking at me with a longing expression from time to time.. Don't get me wrong.. it was in a brotherly way.. not other way.. and I guess P'Ohm already understood that as he kept on calming him down from time to time..

At one point.. I don't know what got into me.. but I did the next thing I felt like.. I stood up and hugged P'Toey.. everyone were shocked.. I could feel tears rolling from his eyes..

"P'Toey.. I don't know the reason.. but P.. let it out.." I said. I was surprised when he turned around and hugged me as he sobbed a little more... I let go of the hug when he calmed down.. he left saying that he would wash his face and join us again.. I sat down in my place and looked at P'Ohm who spoke.

"You remind him of his brother Nong, whom he lost a couple of years back.. you both look a little similar.. especially your smile.. and another thing is.. though you have different eyes.. both of your eyes are expressive.." P'Ohm explained.. I felt bad for him.. even the others. Soon P'Toey joined us back..
"P'Toey.. will you be my brother..?" I asked him.. I could see he was surprised but soon smile widely..
"Thank you Kong.. Thank you.. I swear I will treat you no less than my brother.. and always support you.." He said as he hugged me.. this time it was a happy hug sealing our bond.

"Hey.. don't you dare take my little brother away from me.. " P'Forth exclaimed making us laugh..
"So what if I..?" P'Toey asked as he held me close..
"Ohm.. I swear I will kill your boyfriend if he replaces me in Kong's life.." P'Forth said.
"Oh.. trust me.. if that happens.. Kong would surely make you see hell.." Pa said.. while no one could say no.. because they know how stubborn I am..

Soon all of us called it a day.. P'Ohm and P'Toey were going to move in after Ma.. Pa.. P'Forth and P'Beam leave.. I felt happy that P'Beam cares for me as my brother though we never interacted much because of him being busy doctor and me being in university.. I heard him speak to P'Ohm.. telling how important I am to them.. in what situation I am and asking him to look after me...

That was how my first month into pregnancy ended.. I wrote it down in the diary.. this is my new found habit.. and I treat this diary as P'Arthit.. the one and only love of mine.. and named it Oon.. his nickname which I always loved.. I even kept a picture of ours in the diary.. It became my new habit to look at it before I go to bed.

 It became my new habit to look at it before I go to bed

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