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Kong's POV

The week passed on pretty quickly. All of us got more closer to eachother than before. I and Phi Arthit shared most of the details about what happened in the past years. Dara and Asnee have opened up to Phi Arthit very much. I couldn't ask for much more than this. I was happy with the way things have been going on. 

I woke up when the Alarm rang. I turned off the alarm and looked at the  three sleeping babies... of which one was actually an adult but still sleeping like a bay. I kissed the forehead of Asnee when I felt him stirring in his sleep. He was an early riser just like me..
"Good Morning cupcake." I whispered. 
"Good Morning Papa." He said as he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Shall we wake them up..?" He asked as he looked at Dara and Phi Arthit who were still in deep sleep.
"How about we get ready and then wake them up.?" I suggested. Asnee thought for a moment before agreeing. I carried him to the bathroom and then made him stand in front of the basin. 
"Here.. brush your teeth.. I will arrange a bath for you and also prepare your dress." I said and then left as Asnee started brushing. 

Phi Beam have been visiting daily and checking on both Dara and Asnee. They were getting cured pretty well. Once Asnee was done with brushing.. I brushed my teeth as Asnee took his bath.

"Papa.. I don't want this.. I want Mickey mouse." Asnee said not wanting to wear the dress I took out. It was his favorite dress because I bought a 'Minnie Mouse' dress to Dara. They like wearing it together. I sighed as I took out the dress he asked for and helped him to wear. 
"Now be a good boy.. I will comb your hair once it is dry." I said as I put him down.
"Okay Papa.. now let us wake up Dara and Dad." He said and pulled me to where Dara and Asnee were sleeping.

"Dara.. wakey wakey.. we need to go out today." Asnee kept trying to wake her up but she just groaned and went back to sleep. 
"Papa.. help me. she isn't waking up.." Asnee whined making me chuckle. 

"Love.. wake up.. today we need to go to shopping for Muffin.." I said as I laid down beside her and took her into my arms. She whinned before closing her eyes again.
"If you won't wake up then I, Asnee and Dad will go." I warned her with a low voice cause Phi Arthit is still sleeping. 

"No.. even I will come." Dara said a little  loudly as she sat up making me and Asnee laugh. I noticed Phi Arthit opening his eyes but again closed his eyes when he saw me turning towards him. I could even see that he was stopping his smile.

"Now baby girl.. let us get you ready..." I said as I got down the bed.
"Then what about Dad..? You won't wake him up..?" Dara asked pouting.
"I will baby girl.. I will wake your Dad up.. but before that I want you to brush your teeth." I said and carried her to their bathroom. Once I gave her the brush and paste I walked out.
"Asnee select one dress you like for Dara.." I said. Though I know which dress it will be.. I still asked him to.

I walked back to my room.. Phi Arthit was still acting like he is asleep. I went and sat down beside him. 
"I know you are awake." I whispered in his ear. But still he did not move so I blew air in his ear knowing that he has sensitive ears. He immediately opened his eyes and covered his ears and glared at me.

"Why were you acting..?" I asked him.
"Thought even I could get a morning kiss.. but who knew you would tease me."" Phi Arthit said pouting as he rubbed his ears and it made me chuckle. But stopped when Phi Arthit kissed me suddenly. 
"Good Morning sweetheart." He said grinning widely. 

"You.. you.." I could not even make any sentence cause I was too shocked to react. This time he chuckled before kissing me again. 
"Enough.. get up.. you got many morning kisses today." I said when we broke the kiss.. I got up to leave but stopped and kissed Phi Arthit's forehead. 
"Good Morning Phi." I said softly. He stood up and hugged me tightly.

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