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Kong's POV

Though it was hurting me like hell.. I still took my seat in the plane near the window beside my mother.. I could not help but think about P'Arthit.. the way I felt butterflies in me when he announced to the faculty that we were in a relation.. I still remember the exact words he said on the day the rumor spread.

"How dare you cheat on me.. how dare you play with me..?" P'Arthit shouted at me in the middle of the canteen as he grabbed my collar. I was about to speak but before I could Tew.. Wad and Oak also came..

"Was it all a game to you Kong..?" Tew asked.. but I can see that he was already thinking that it was a game to me..
"How could you play like that KONG..?" Wad said coldly..
"But.." I was about to speak when a sudden I felt a sudden slap.. it was P'Arthit who hit me.. I lost balance and fell down.. I don't when Em came but he was the one to help me stand..

"I did not expect this from you.." Oak said with a disappointed voice..
"Kong.. we will talk about what actually happened later.." Em said while May nodded her head.. I was thankful to have them at least.. I looked back at P'Arthit and the other three friends of mine..

"I played with you right..? Tell we how can that be possible.. I was the one to chase you.. I was ready to let you go but you were the one to hold me back.. though you announced our relation in the thank you party.. but I have been the one to keep on chasing you.. I beg you to spend time with me.. I beg you to go on a date with me even though I know you won't even let me touch your little finger.. never did I force myself on you.. I have been giving you your space for you to feel comfortable with a fear of leaving me.. It was always me who kept on texting you or calling you.. I always wanted to at least hold your hand.. but you even reject that thinking of others.. still I respected you.. I did everything for you to feel comfortable in this relation and did not rush anything.. because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.. And you.. you don't trust me.. you don't even know how much I love you.. just because of a rumor.. you came and slapped me.. P'Arthit.. tell me.. tell me truthfully, do you love me..? Do you think that I was from first attracted to boys.. NO.. same like you.. this is my first relation and that to with a boy.. I am not attracted to boys if it is not you.. but to me.. love had no boundaries.. so I could accept my love for you and trust you unlike you who could not accept it or trust me.." I said.. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes..

"There was no day when I did not wake you up.. or make sure you eat and rest well since the first day of our relation even though you would shout at me for that.." I said.. but this time my voice was breaking...

"Don't act like a victim when you are the one who cheated mw.." P'Arthit replied coldly.. I could see betrayal in his eyes.. I could not help but let out a bitter chuckle..
"P'Arthit.. the rumor says that I gave her my gear right.. where is my gear P..? and whose gear do I have.." I asked.. I looked at his face... his eyes slowly realizing things.. I looked at my friends or whom I thought were my friends..

"Do you think all the things which I did were for time pass..? Crazily thinking about him 24 by 7 and getting teased by you all every time..? Doing everything so that I could fit beside him..?" I asked them.. I saw as they opened and closed their mouth..

I could not take it anymore.. the way P'Arthit called me a cheat.. they way he did not think about my feelings and said that I played him was making me feel breathless.. especially after what we shared yesterday.. I felt like even after I gave myself to him.. he still doesn't trust me.. I wonder what wrong I have done for him to not trust me..
"Em.. take me away.. I can't take this anymore.." I said with a low voice...

The rest of the time was a trance to me how we reached the place Em and May moved it.. I told them what actually happened at that time.. Though they assured me that things would go back to normal.. I was still scared and hurt..

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