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Arthit's POV

All of us sat down.. I thanked everyone for taking care of Kong and also apologized for hurting Kong in the past. 
"It is in the past Arthit.. both of you were young.. but now you both are adults and also parents. Take this suggestion Arthit.. communicate more.." Toey said. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Kong.. I am sorry and thank you.." I said as I held his hand.
"I meant it when I said let it go P.." He replied with a warm smile.
"Kong.. show us their photos na.." Prae asked.. Lawan was the one to react.. and show her first.. Toey, Gulf, Em and May were all showing to to others.. 

"P.. " Kong called for me.. I was thinking about how they were when they were young.. 
"I want to see them Kong." I said slowly.. Kong opened his phone. There was a folder in his phone.. he saved each year photos in separate folders.. I saw how they were when they were just born.. they were so small and cute.

"Dara is very much like you P.. she likes spices and pinkmilk.. while Asnee has your eyes. They both got your dimples P... while Asnee has my smile and Dara has yours. One thing is they love pancakes a lot.." Kong said.. I was getting tears in my eyes.. 

"Kong.. they are really cute Kong.." Prae and Maprang exclaimed while everyone were nodding their head... None of us were able to move our eyes from from their photos.. they were cute and mesmerizing.. 

We were joined by P'Forth and other doctors also.. they were all telling about Dara and Asnee.. how naughty they are.. I felt happy listening to them and sad as well as guilty for missing all these.. Then Khun Ohm and Toey were telling about the time when Kong was pregnant.. When they told me he filled his room with my memories.. it my smile a little knowing his love for me and also more guilty..

Two hours passed.. Kong asked everyone to return.. and promised to make them meet Dara and Asnee soon.. he even pushed P'Forth and Uncle back to office.. He asked Em to take care of the cat till they return home.. He told us that they lived in the same colony.. It was only me, Kong and Aunty.. we sat down in the same room where Dara and Asnee were sleeping... P'Beam and other P's said that they would come again when they get free.. 

We were talking when we hear Dara calling for Kong.. 
"Pa.." Was all she could say.. three of us immediately went to her.. She was having tears.. 
"Muffin.?" She asked questioningly..
"Muffin is fine.. but I am really angry at you." Kong said..
"Sorry Papa.." She said cutely.. She gave her whole attention to Kong not caring about mine or Kong's mother's presence..
"You know how scared.. was I.?" Kong asked as he caressed her cheeks.. She had tears in her eyes.. 

"Does it hurt..?" Kong asked slowly.. she nodded.. 
"It will go away soon. Till then you will take rest and I will accompany you.." Kong said with a little smile.. She also nodded in acceptance. 
"Papa.. Asnee.. ?" She asked again.
"He is fine.. he woke up and then slept again.. he will wake up soon." Aunty replied.. that was when she saw her and me.. she stared at me for a good while..

I was getting tears looking at her.. She looked at Kong and mouthed 'Dad' to him.. to which Kong nodded his head. 
"Dad.." "Baby.." we said at the same time.. I held her hand tightly.. I was already having tears in my eyes.. 
"I am sorry.. I am really sorry.. I wasn't there with you." I told.. 
"No Dad.. Papa told us you did not know about us.. he promised to tell you and make us meet you soon.." Dara said. I looked at Kong.. I hurt him the most and left him broken.. but still he told our kids about me in a complete positive way.. I felt lucky to get this chance. 

"From now I will always be there with you.. I will never leave.. I love you baby girl.." I said and placed a kiss on her forehead to which she smiled widely showing her dimples.. Kong was right she had my smile and dimples.. 

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