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Arthit's POV

I slowly opened my eyes when the sunlight hit my face. I felt weight on my chest and looked down.. Kong.. A smile appeared on my face seeing him sleeping peacefully. We had our hands wrapped around eachother. I tried to slowly get up but stopped when Kong groaned and held me more tightly.

"Phi Ooon don't move.." Kong said with a little hoarse voice which made me chuckle. I laid down properly and held him again. I ran my fingers through his hair... my fiance's hair. I smiled when I thought about yesterday. 

I wanted to speak a lot about every emotion in me to show how important he is to me.. but all I could say that he was precious to me.. and did not want to live even a second without him. I was lacking words but the moment he said 'yes' I felt like the most happiest person living. I came out of my thoughts when Kong started moving.. 

"What time is it Phi..?" He asked with his eye still closed.
"Around 9.." I said as I lookd at my phone.
"I don't wanna wake up.." He whined looking at me with a pout. I chuckled and kissed him.
"I made sure that we wont go to work today.." I said but at the same time his phone rang. He tried to move but stopped as he winced.

"Love stop.. let me help you." I said and helped him to lean onto my shoulder. After that I gave him his phone.. it was his father.

"Swadee Khab Por." He greeted as he answered the call. I did not know he said but Kong had worry in his face. He turned on the speaker and signalled me to listen.
"Por.. I am speaker.. tell us what is happening..? And please stop worrying.. I will handle na." Kong said.
"Son.. no pictures of Asnee and Dara have come out but the news about you having kids came out.. but then again Arthit proposed you.. they want to know what happened.. media is going on and on with their assumptions which are no good.. we are thinking about having a meeting with the reporters.. but I am not sure about how and what all to reveal. Your both bond shouldn't be a problem cause your preferances are already announced and accepted by people." Dad said.

"Por don't worry.. arrange the meet.. I will do the talking part." Kong said.
"And even I will be with him.. We won't let anything wrong happen to Dara, Asnee or any of us." I added.
"Okay.. I trust you both sons.. when should I conduct the meet.?"  Dad asked. I looked at Kong and mouthed that anytime would be okay for me.
"Por.. ask them to come after an hour and half.. I and Phi Arthit will come to our home in.. please arrange our dresses na." Kong said. 
"Okay son.. I will  get them ready.. Dara and Asnee are also waiting for you.. and don't worry we managed to feed them breakfast.. and Arthit.. even your parents are here." Dad said.

"Khab Dad.. then we will see you soon." I said and then Kong cut the call. Kong hugged me tightly.. I could understand what he was feeling cause even I was feeling the same.. I don't want them to see Kong differently and even say disgusting things about our Kids or him.. I don't care about what they will say about me.. but I don't want them to hurt Kong or my babies.
"We will make it right for our kids." Kong murmured into my chest. 
"We will make it right for our kids and us.. " I said and kissed his forehead. I carried him into the washroom and we got freshened up together.. We even took our bath. Kong took some pain killer tablets. After that, we made our way to Kong's home.. Kong was reading out wide spread articles on this issue which we might have to address.

We decided to come clean about everything except the identities of Dara and Asnee. Kong was going to do the main part of speaking cause he was good with his words while I can loose my control if they say anything wrong about Kong or my kids.

"Mae, Por.. we are home." Kong said as we walked inside te home. 
"In here in the living room." We heard Dad's voice.
"What is going on.. Mae, Por even you are here?" I asked with a surprised face. Both our mother's greeted us and went back to selecting dresses.
"What's happening Por.?" Kong asked.
"I regret saying I will keep the dresses ready for you both. I must have asked you to get somewhere while coming." Dad said.

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