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Kong's POV

Wedding day.. today was the wedding of Phi Forth and Phi Beam. It's been weeks since I met Phi Arthit's parents. After that both our families bonded very well. I was glad to see them getting along well. Phi Arthit has completely moved in with me. I chuckled when I remembered the day Phi Arthit stood in front of my home with his bag packed at the midnight. Actually after Asnee and Dara got cured completely, he stayed for a a few days and then he hesitantly went back to his place one day. But he couldn't stay long cause he came back on the same day at mid night. 

I still remember the dialogue he said when I opened the door "I can't stay away Kong.. I am not able to even sleep.. please let me move in with you forever." He said with a pleading face. To be frank.. even I couldn't sleep.. I missed him and his warmth. As I haven't asnwered him anything.. he kept rambling things.. which made me chuckle.. I hugged him and gave him a short kiss before pulling him inside.

We both got used to eachother's warmth so much that we did not feel like staying away from eachother. We needed to be in eachother's arms at the night to have a peaceful sleep. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Phi Forth calling me.

"Kong.. Little Simba I am scared..." Phi Forth said. I was accompanying him to get ready along with Dara and Asnee while Phi Arthit was with Phi Beam. 
"Phi.. can you stop and relax..? You know right.. how much Phi Beam loves you. Then what are you scared about.?" I asked him and let him hug me.
"What if I forget the vows..? What if I say something wrongs..? He said. 

"Phi.. vows are nothing but your promises to Phi Beam.. so if you forget anything.. just make them with your heart. Nothing is better than giving our word and love from the heart." I assured him.
"Thank you Kong.. for being my little brother.." He whispered to me.
"Thank you for being the best brother to me Phi.. and for giving me another brother as my brother in law.." I whispered back. 

"Even we hug.." I heard Dara and Asnee say.. They ran to us and hugged us. 
"Uncle Forth.. you look very handsome. When I grow up.. I will find a handsome man like you or Papa or Dad or Uncle Beam." Dara said. Phi Forth pulled Dara close to him while I held Asnee.
"You have a lot of time for that young lady.. and we need to accept him first.. Wait.. let us put a age limit.. you can't find anyone till you are atleast 20." Phi Forth said. I chuckled cause Dara did not exactly understand what he meant.
"Come one Phi Forth.. she isn't even understanding.. and 20 Phi..? Both of us chased the ones we love when we were 17 and 18.. so no you can't put stop my daughter from falling in love.. but I will assure you.. we will make sure that the person will be the best." I said. Phi Forth gave a sheepish grin.

"Having family time without me..?" I heard Phi Arthit's voice. He was standing at the door.
"Dadddd.." Dara squealed and ran to him.
"Hey there little pumpkin... you look amazing princess." Phi Arthit said as he took Dara into his Arms.  "And you look very handsome my baby boy." He said and kissed Asnee's cheek as he stepped towards me. 
"Why are you here.? Is anyone there with Phi Beam.?" I asked him.
"His parents came and they were having some family time. So I came out." Phi Arthit said. Phi Forth took Asnee and Dara and played with them while I and Phi Arthit sat down looking at them.

"You look amazing love." Phi Arthit whispered as he leaned near to my ear and kissed my ear. 
"Phi stop.." I said as I put my hands on his chest. There was this sexual tension between us was very thick that both of us are very much hyper aware of eachothers every slight movement but none of us were taking any step. He held my hand and pulled my closer suddenly which made me lean towards him. He ended up kissing me on my lips cause I tunred my face.

"Ahem.. guys.. We are still in room." I heard Phi Forth's voice. I pushed Phi Arthit away and stood up. 
"I am going to check on Phi Beam and the rest arrangements." I said and ran out of the room.I glared at Phi Arthit as he was laughing along with Phi Forth. I am glad Dara and Asnee haven't seen it.

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