Chapter 1: Please Go

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A young girl standing in the front of huge iron gate. the big golden sign board In  which it is written 'Fallici'. On it is very impressive and powerful.

"Young miss" The hesitant voice bring the person out of a her thought.

The teenage girl stood their alone in the hot afternoon of summer, Just in simple jeans and tee but no one can compare to her beauty.

Her white and soft flawless skin, moist red lips, clear and bright eyes but at this moment her beautiful and bright eyes are filled with tears and wet her long beautiful eyelashes

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Her white and soft flawless skin, moist red lips, clear and bright eyes but at this moment her beautiful and bright eyes are filled with tears and wet her long beautiful eyelashes. It roll down on her rosy checks, which has a red hand print on it and is little swollen. Her red lips are trembling she look like and abandon animal.

Her petite figure is alone and isolate from the world.

The person who just called her is the security guard of the mansion she was standing in front of. He had seen the girl grow from childhood.

He look at the girl in front of him with sympathy in his eyes and said, "You are standing here for a long time, they are asking you to leave" after saying he shook his head with pity for her.

She nodded at the man and glance one last time at the mansion where she had spend her sixteen years of life and turn around to walk further away.

Her thin figure is walking forward along the path, not knowing where it is taking her. Each steps she takes is very heavy for her. She have no idea where she was going, unknowingly continued taking steps. All the car, noises, people's around her could not pull her mind as she was in her own world.

Not knowing how long she has walked but the sky started to grew dark. She has no idea where she was going. She didnt regain her consciousness until she bumped into someone. The street around her is bustling with people.

She was standing there alone in the crowd, people around her were coming and going their ways. She was somewhat shock when she look around to find an unfamiliar area.

A deep anxiety rose from her heart from not knowing the place around her. She thought of going her home but remember what had happened today. Finally realising she had nowhere to go.

She looked around the bustling road, there is a sudden despair and panic.

Facing the pedestrian walking, she just stood there her eyes are filled with tears. She bit her lips to control herself from crying loudly. Feeling the mess in her mind and it prevent her from thinking solution clearly.

She is just a young girl never has she ever felt the deep emotion she is feeling now. She is unable to breath properly and choke in her throat.

She whisper 'Brother' subconsciously.

He is the person who was always there for her. From childhood he has always been her strongest support, he fulfilled all her wishes, pampered her. If he was here today the situation were not, as it is now. She missed him so much.

He has always been there to back her up. She touch her pocket and realised she has no mobile or even money on her.

Closing her eyes in frustration, opening her tearful eyes looking around the people. finally mutter up the courage to ask for mobile, She finally find a kind lady who lend her mobile to call.

Then she dialled the number, she had always called at the time of need. After ringing for a few times the person didn't pick up the phone.

She plead helplessly in her heart for her brother to pickup the phone. But all her prayer was unanswered as all of sudden the line became dead. She call the number again and the outcome were same.

There are not many people now that she could called for help, all the friends and family she has no hope for them.

Now she can only hope that the person she was calling now can lend her a helping hand, even for the past friendship sake or for the sake that they grew up together.

She took a deep breath and call the number. Hoping for him to understand her situation and help her, if he help her today she would never forget the favour.

After few rings the person pick up the call, From the other side on the line came a cold and calm voice.

He has always been calm no matter what the situation was.

He was cold to others but for her he has always had a warm and gentle side.

"Who is this?" The person asked.

"Hello! Ron it's me Bella can you....."

Before she could complete her sentence Ron interrupted her.


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