Chapter 23: Changed overnight

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The title she just saw flash in her mind and thinking about the happy smile on both of them faces.

"The lovely couple Ron and Phoebe are engaged"

Bella was shocked.

Bella and Ron were best friends from childhood. She don't even remember when was the first time she met him.

They spent there childhood together as they grow up they became best friends of each other.

They shared there joy and sadness with each other and had share so many things together. They were always together when they were young.

When they were young whenever he finds something interesting he would bring for her. when she was young and in school if any kind try to bully her he would beat that person. He was always there for her.

They made many memories together since childhood.

He always took care of her since childhood and always protected her.

He always there when she needed him. He was very close to her heart.

He was very warm, patience and gentle.

There parents saw there bond and they decided to make them a couple.

They were engaged. she always thought she would spend her whole life with Ron and began to think of him as a partner. he was her best friend and was very special for her.

When this feeling of friendship turn into liking under his constant care, she doesn't know.

But everything changed when the truth about her came out.

He also changed and turn his back against her ruthlessly. Like all this years of friendship, liking ness, feeling doesn't matter. His feeling changed overnight.

Like everything before was just am illusion. His gentle kind gaze turn cold.

When she faced those criticism and humiliation. he stood there and watch everything, but didn't said a word in her support.

When she was on verge of collapsing he was not there to support her. Not as an fiancee nor as an best friends.
Not even as an person who has known her his entire life.

Even a stranger would help her at that time, but he who she has known from decade and spent so much time together didn't think about helping her and turn blind to everything happening.

She smiled bitterly in her heart.

Walking forward the snow covered streets. cold wind hit her she wrap her hand around her to keep herself warm.

She is wearing a thin tshirt and jeans.



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