Chapter 2: Brother

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"Don't call me again Bella. I have nothing to do with you" Ron said and hang up the call.

Bella stood there stunned.
She should have guessed that at this time no one will help her.

She took a deep breath to control her emotion. she has no hope for the person she is about to call after hearing Ron answer, but she has to try and call the last person she could call for help. but the person heard her name and directly hung up the call without saying a word.

She smiled mockingly at her situation.

After seeing how close these people were to her once and how they are treating her now, when she is down. There is a pain in her heart and also its hard believe how they turn there face ruthlessly.

She should have guessed that now she is abandoned and now she is nothing, The friendship, the past, the feeling are just few fake words of hypocrites.

After returning the mobile she looked around, was unable to breath and is feeling a bit dizzy. Unable to handle the truth. walking unconsciously with the crowd after reaching a silent place her legs felt so weak, as if about to fall it refused to support her body. Her heart is in pain and deep sorrow.

She took the support of the wall. Then weakly slide down and buried her face in her knees. She cried silently feeling helpless facing the situation she has never faced before.

There is a desperation in her heart Unable to handle the change and the ruthless abandonment by her beloved once.

She has no idea what to do? she's just a sixteen years old teenage girl who has never face the world before and always have been under the protection of her family, is now alone and too afraid. The panic, the helplessness and despair she has never faced before, so deep that she can't control her emotion.

Tears follwed from her eyes uncontrollable. Her thin shoulder trembled and she whimper.

A trembling figure is handled in the corner of the wall.

she has no idea how long she has squatted down and cried

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she has no idea how long she has squatted down and cried. After a while she raise her head from her knees and stared blankly up at the dark sky. Street lights were dim and the road was silent. No one was around the loneliness and depression surrounded her lone figure.

 No one was around the loneliness and depression surrounded her lone figure

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The second person she called was her best friend and her former fiancée. She knew no one would help her as everyone has turned their face and betrayed her, but their was a slight hope in her heart, that maybe.... He would land her a helping hand when she was in the dead end.

Maybe he would understand her situation and helplessness for the pity he would help her. Ronald was once the person she was going to spend the life with and he was also her friend.

He was always gentle and considerate of her and she had little hope for him, but everything is not as it was in the past. He also didn't hesitate to turn his back to her when she was in need.

The person she called last was her friend Gaia, she has help her so much before, no one was willing to befriend with Gaia but Bella was her first Friend. Bella help her so much and mix her up in Bella's social circle. When she was bullied Bella was the only one who stood up for her. Bella has never asked anything in return and always genuinely helped her, but today when she needed help Gaia is not even willing to say a word.

It's really heart breaking for her, now she has no one to ask help from. Maybe human heart is always like this, when you are at the top there is no shortage of people, but when you are at your lowest people turn into a stranger. Bella wish she had seen through these people before, she would not have been so heart broken today.

 Bella wish she had seen through these people before, she would not have been so heart broken today

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Bella doesn't understand why things turn out to be the way it is now. She is just an innocent victim, who doesn't have any idea about anything. And had to face the punishment of everyone. She doesn't understand what she did wrong. Where was her mistake?

That she has to face everyone cruelty. How naive she was that she trusted them blindly. and clueless she was that she saw their changes but she hasn't realise that they would do what they did today. It was extremely heart breaking for her. She just wish it to be a nightmare.

Don't know how long Bella cried, when she suddenly heard the footsteps coming closure, looking up she saw two men walking towards her..


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