Chapter 12: Walking in the Dark

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*After two month*

In the night, In the dark alley Bella walked carrying the pastic bag in her hand.

Reaching at the entrance of an old, dilapidated building.

She climb up on the old broken stairs of the building.

Reaching the fourth floor taking out the key and unlocking the rustic old iron gate.

She entered the dark room.

Reaching out her hand she turn on the light of the house.

After an moment the light turn on the darkness disappeared and old and small room came in view.there was little moldy smell in the room.

The house was very small and nothing but an small stool and table in the corner of the room and the partition on the side.

From her position it can be seen one entrance of the partition lead to the kitchen and other maybe bedroom.

she walk two step and reach the table and put the bag on it.

After that she walk in the bedroom which was a step away just need to cross the partition.

There was just an small single bed in the right corner and and old small wardrobe in the left corner of the small room.

And an old window on the wall next to wardrobe.the paint on the wall is old.

She walk to the bed and sat down.

Taking and deep breath she reach out her hand and knead her shoulder and back of neck.

There is visible fatigue and tiredness on her delicate small face.

After a while she stood up and open the wardrobe taking out a small box she opened it.

There was few notes of money lying in the box she took out the money from the pocket that she earn today and put some portion from it in the box.

This is the emergency money she try to save in last months.although it's very little but every time she earn money ,she took out the portion from it and save it in this box.

Removing the socks and shoes.she went to freshen up.

After a while she came to the table with plate and spoon and sat on the stool.

Reaching out to open the pastic bag.

The delicious fragrance came out of it.

Taking out the content of it on the plate. Looking at the few piece of vegetables and some pasta with gravy.

She slowly took an spoon full of it and ate it.

Although the flavour is good after all its made by chefs in the big hotel but it's very cold.

When she got the bag it's was warm at that time but walking half an hour it turn icy cold.

Chewing it in her mouth she took another spoon full and after a while eating slowly she finally finished it.

It's been 2 month since that day many change happened,she has faced many new experiences and after many difficulty she has integrated herself into an unfamiliar environment and got used to living alone in this unfamiliar world.

But fortunately in the past 2 month she got to know some kind hearted people .who helped her very much.

She still remember 2 month ago the sudden knock on the door of the hotel room .at that time she was very frightened.


Hy angles I hope you all like today's chapter.
Follow the story to be the part of bella's journey.


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