Chapter 6: Proud face

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She look at the deep water and thought, "Six month and everything has changed. Her family, Her friends, Her future"

"It feels like from heaven she has fallen into a hell now"

I hope I would have been little sensible and saw through there changing heart. She realise very late but their intention was very clear and that day they shown it.

That day when they stood aside and saw how everyone trample on her and treated her as trash, accuse her, curse her. But they turn blind eye to it .

The look in every one's eyes Bella could still remember the gloating, the mockery, the disgust. that was all  her close friends and cousins who look at her like that. she never seen them look at her like that but that day, she saw.

She was shocked and wanted her parents to shield her but they treated her as stranger as if everything in front of them has nothing to do with them.

It's very hard to imagine what she felt at that moment.

Her tear falls she wipe it off with the back of her hand.

"Don't cry ....." She mumbles to herself.

Maybe when she realised the situation it was already very late. she herself was helpless.

Suddenly there is a strong pain in her stomach, she clutch her stomach tightly. Fine beads of sweat on her forehead. Her Eyebrows  frown beacuse of pain. This was the first time she was facing stomach ache because of hunger.

Bella has been ignoring the noise of hunger from her stomach, finally her body couldn't stand the hunger and it reach its limit. She bit her lips tightly and tried to endure the pain.

She couldn't handle the pain and squatted  down on the ground.

After a while the pain lessen alot, Bella stood up.

The wind messed her hair, Bella's hair falls on her face, she moved the hair from her face and tuck it behind her ears.

Her hair stuck in something on her wrist, she look and saw the bracelet on her wrist. It was her favourite bracelet, she always wore it.

Bella has won this with the many other prizes in the piano competition last year

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Bella has won this with the many other prizes in the piano competition last year. Which was held in abroad.

She still remember the day when she participated, her parents were always there with her in every steps. Brother left his important meeting to attend her competition.

There were many other contestants and there families also came to cheer them up, but after Bella played all the people in the auditorium applauded for her whole heartedly. But the sound from her family cheering overshadowed others.

After she won the first prize, her mother was so happy that she cried with joy. And there was a shine of joy on the faces of her father and big brother.

Everyone could see their pride. How proud they were on her.




Bella came out of her memory.

"But today they actually cancel her name from the competition" Bella thought and smile sadly.

Bella saw the bracelet and caresses it with the tip of her finger and smile sadly.

She closed her eyes for a while, when she opened it. There is a firmness in her eyes as she has made a firm decision. with reluctant she remove the bracelet from her wrist.

Bella look at the bracelet and said, "Atleast you are still there"

She ignore the pain in her stomach and She started walking slowly, with the pain on her knees.

After a while she reach her destination, looking up she saw a huge sign board "Gem store"

She look at the bracelet in her hand. Then walk in the store.


After a while she walk out of the store with money in her hand. It is not much, as she is underage and doesn't even have a bill. Not to mention the fact that she came alone with no guardian.

As it is against the law and its risky for shop owner.

Thats why the shop owner doesn't have gave much money to Bella, looking at the money on her hand. Finally she has some hope in her heart.

"Atleast I could eat something!" Bella thought.

She walk around to find a restaurant. After walking around for a while, she find a particular restaurant, suitable to her choice. which is high end.

She was about to enter but the doorman stopped her

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She was about to enter but the doorman stopped her.

"You are not allowed to enter!" Doorman said and look at her clothes in contempt.

Bella look down at her clothes subconsciously and remembers her pitiful and embarrassing appearance.

Bella came back to her sense and was really ashamed to stay here even for a minute longer. She apologize and left without looking back.

She walk out and shake her head, habits are really troublesome. It needed to be changed, she thought to herself. Because she has always dine in high end restaurants, so she subconsciously walk to the high end restaurant.

She shook her head at her stupidity, it's was really shameful just now. But the hunger in her stomach. Didn't allow her to dwell on experience just now.

Bella look around to find a suitable place to eat. Her knees are really painful from the fall before. She could only walk slowly. After looking around she find a small cafe not many people are there.

She decide to go inside the cafe

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She decide to go inside the cafe..


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