Chapter 8: Royal motel

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Bella asked a few passbuyer and then she got to know about a motel, which is little far from here.

She started walking towards the motel and she hope it will be in her range. Walking from morning she is very tired now and there is also body pain. Bella just want to lie down now. On the way to the motel she saw a pharmacy shop, she hesitated for a moment but walk in.

She doesn't know what to buy. And told pharmacist about her injury, but after the pharmacist suggestion. She bought few bandages, painkiller and a bottle of water.

After walking out of the pharmacy shop, She took the pain killer on the spot to relive pain and fatigue. Not sleeping whole night with injury is tolling her body now.

She walk the way according to the address and reach a alley next to the main Street. Not finding any hotel around she walk in the alley and saw a small sign board of "Royal motel"

 Not finding any hotel around she walk in the alley and saw a small sign board of "Royal motel"

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The person who gave her address told her about the same name. But looking at the appearance of the motel it's really very tiny and dirty. She hesitate but walk in.

The reception desk is too small, only a single chair and desk was their. Sitting behind the desk was a man in fifties.

After making up her mind Bella enquire about the price. Finding it affordable, Bella choose to stay here.

This decision is really tough for her, but after hearing the price of previous hotel, she know she could only afford the room here at this moment.

Bella, with the heavy heart. She took the key after paying. She walk up the stairs towards her room.
She reached the corridor it's dark and has a dim light lit up.

There is a cold sweat on her back, she tried to calm herself down. Its really scared environment. Bella doesn't want to live here.
She subconsciously want to back off. But image of her last night experience came to her mind. She stiffen a little.

She walk to her room number, opening the door with shaky hand.

After a few try she finally managed to put the key in the keyhole and opened the door. With the fastest speed Bella went in and shut the door.

She lean herself on the door. Closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She slide down and calm herself down.

After a few moment she stood up and finally saw how the room looks. It's so small, even many times smaller than the bathroom she used to have in her room. This room only contain a bed and a single chair. The light is very dim in the room. The curtains on the window look very old. Their is a weird smell in the room.

She took the chair and put it in the front of the door

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She took the chair and put it in the front of the door. The motel look really scary. She is very scared.

She sat on the bed the mattress are quite hard. She roll up her jeans and applied her bandage on her injured knee. The injury look quite scary it's red and blue on her white skin. It look very pain, she blow on it.

After that She went to the bathroom to freshen her up. Looking around she doesn't want to think about anything.
After doing her business she splash water on her face, she look up there is a small moto on the wash basin.

She saw the person on the mirror she couldn't recognise herself. Her hair are Messy. Her eyes are so red and swollen. There is a fatigue and melancholy on her eyebrows. Her eyes that had always been so bright are so dim today. There is no shine in it. Her lips are little swollen because of her constant biting.
The person in the mirror look so sad and tired, so soulless.

Bella couldn't believe the person in the mirror is herself. It's unbelievable that her always happy and lively self could turn into like this. She can't help but felt pity for herself.

She was shocked looking at the strange face in the mirror. She walked out of the bathroom and with great difficulty she reach the bed, and fall on it.

Bella curl herself in a ball and hug her knees.


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