Chapter 21: D group.

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Time flies very fast.

It's been an month after new year.

Bella walk out of the restaurant after completing her shift.

She walk on the side of the street.

Until she reached supermart which is near her house. It's a two storey grocery shop which has all the things available wheather it's food, vegetables, electronics or clothes and that to at a very reasonable price.

She walk in taking out the list she has prepared earlier from her pocket.

Earlier she has made a list of what was needed at home that she wants to buy.

Now after working extra shifts at new year in last month on new year in addition to this month income she has little spare money at hand now.

At home she has nothing now, she wants to buy few things to add at her house. To make it feel like a home, So it's won't be so cold and gives her homely touch.

She walk in the supermarket and firstly she buy the daily necessities and toiletries like shampoo, soap, some instant noodles, and some kitchen utensils she needed the most because she doesn't have proper utensils and it's very uncomfortable while cooking.
So after buying some pan and pot.

She went to buy a new colourful bedsheet.

Looking at the thing in the trolly she froze. And roughly calculating the amount.

She sign helplessly, seeing what was not needed so urgently at the moment, she remove few thing from her trolly and kept back on the shelves

After paying the bill she took back the bags. She look at the bill and sign at the amount but that was needed.

Holding the bags in both the hands.
At first she was very inexperienced about this type of shopping.

Many time she buy the wrong product or forget to buy something and has to go back and buy and when she came back again at home she saw the other things are also needed.

She was very tired and annoyed at that time.

Then slowly she learned from other as the time went by and now she can perfectly does her shopping every time.

She was walking on the side of the street while carrying both the bags in both hand when suddenly her gaze fell on the billboard and she look up at the digital billboard on the skyscraper curiously.

The news flash about the sky high donation of  done by D group which was about two billion US dollars.

Bella was little surprised because it's was about the same amount of the total wealth of the Fallici group.

D group is very generous in doing good deeds. which is very nice to be able to help other.

After watching the news she continuously walking back at home.

When she reach her home bella placed the both the bags on the table.

One by one she removed  everything from inside the bag and very excitingly check them, after going through all the items a couple of times she  then put them on there places.

After sorting out the things she slump on the chair tiredly.

While drinking water. sitting on the chair she lean back on it.

She lowered her head and her gaze falls on her hand.



Hey everyone thank you so much for the love and support you guys have shown towards this story and how much you all have appreciated my work it's really overwhelming.

I am so blessed that you all are my readers and happy that you wonderful people are loving my story.

As you guys have known this story was on hold for some time.

I am writing this to let you guys know that I am continuing this story on November this year.

So let's be part of Bellas thrilling and beautiful journey on this November and thank you so much for your patience and love for Dangerous Billionaire.

Thank you for your patience and support.


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