Chapter 3: Parents must be worried

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Looking up bella saw two men walking towards her, talking to each other.

"Look what we have found here, a little Beauty" One of them said to another one.

"Let her accompany us tonight" The other one said.

"Hey! We have never had a young beauty like this...."

Looking at them and hearing unscrupulous words, Bella suddenly stood up in freight. However because of squatting for many hour, her legs were numb. She was about to fall but she supported herself with the help of wall.

As she try to walk but she couldn't walk fast. They reach towards her in few steps.

"Hey! Beauty where are you going?" One said while trying to catch her arm.

The other one walk around from the other side, blocking her way. There was no way to escape they trapped her in the corner. Looking around there was not a single soul was present for her rescue.

"Ppplease let me go" Bella cried.

Seeing them trying to touch her arm the little girl could only plead.

Seeing no one was around the second men started to act unscrupuly. His hand started to touch her thin waist. Along the way to her chest.

She tremble in fear, she has never faced this kind of disgusting situation. She is agitated and incapable in front of two man. She try to back off but the wall behind her stop her escape.

They are touching her hear and there, try to put their hand in her tee. Bella shrunk herself into a ball to stop their moment, but they forcefully grab her hair and torn her clothes. She kick and cried but couldn't do anything to them, after all they are two grown man. She is just a little girl who is powerless in front of them.

She grew up under the protection of her family, never has she imagined that she would one day face something like this. Her strength is no match for them. They tried to remove her clothes but torn in the process. She was completely hopeless, as she cried in agony.

"Who is there? , Whats going on?" Suddenly there was a voice of a coming person from the corner.

Startled the two man, seeing the coming person they curse and ran away. Leaving her there she shrunk herself in a ball and cried. She doesn't believe that she is safe.

Bella has lost all her hope but at the last moment God send the person to save her.

This is the first time she has lost all her hope, at that moment she wish to die when there hands were touching her and she was on the verge of being rape.

"Hey! Girl are you okay?" Her savior asked.
Bella look up and saw middle age man in a guard uniform asking her with concern.
the man help her to sit.

After a while Bella force herself to calm down.

"Thank you" She said in a horse voice.

"Girl what are you doing her so late alone? It's not safe" He said as he help her standing up.

Seeing that she is not replying. he continued, "Go to your house. Your parents must be worried, it's so late"

Seeing that she is still not saying anything and crying silently tears continue to roll down her cheeks. Her appearance is really embarrassing.

"I work nearby, come have some water and calm yourself down" He said.

Bella nodded.

They both begin to walk, but her figure was still trembling. The freight she has suffered now has been deeply imprinted in her mind.

It's not easy to face these thing and after facing that she doesn't even have a shoulder on which she could cry.

The guard continue to nag her. Although what he was saying was right. But she has no one to care about her and she has no home to go.

When they reach the guard cabin in the building.

He offered her a glass of water, after drinking it

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He offered her a glass of water, after drinking it.

She look at the bench outside the gate, "Sir can I please sit here, I really have no where to go at this moment. I will leave in the morning" She plead him.

He look at her helpless and embarrassing situation then nodded.

After sitting down she saw her clenched fist are still trembling. Bella took a deep breath, try to calm herself down. Her body pains from the harrassment, her scalp are very painful from the hair pulling by the two man.

Bella look down and saw her clothes which were slightly torn. She closed her eyes, thinking about everything as a nightmare, she just want to wake up from. But the pain on her body is saying otherwise.

A silent tear roll down from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes are swollen and painful because of crying. This is the first time she has seen the bad side of the world and suffering from it. Today's experience and fear has leave a mark on her mind.

She has always been protected and pampered by her family, never seen situation like this. But now she has no one to rely on and was thrown on the street by her loved ones ruthlessly and without any mercy.

She has to face alone the monster like this. Bella was unprotected and incapable now, completely powerless there is no way to survive like this.

If things like this will happen again she will have no desire to live.

The anxiety of that moment she could never forget.

"I has to find a way to survive. What to do?, What to do?" Bella mumbled herself.

Thinking about the unknown future with the backstabbing of friends and family. Without anything to support she couldn't help herself and didn't even blink eyes whole night.

She was so stressed and her shoulder shrink while sitting on the bench.looking at the scene how she look right now is very pitiful sight. A lonely petite young young sitting on the bench, with her head down dejectedly.

Bella just kept thinking about where she can go? Whom she can ask some help for? But even after thinking so long she didn't even think of a single person who could be there for her now.

From the richest young miss to whom everyone envy she has turn into a bigger. who doesn't even have a roof on her head.


Suddenly there is a voice came from her stomach. she look at her stomach, then bella realised that she hasn't had a bite of food in the whole day. The voice came again.

She swallowed the choke in her throat. She is really very tired from everything. She just wanted her warm and loving family. The warm embrace of her parents and brother. she misses them so much.

Her eyes are red and swollen her nose is puffed..


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