Chapter 22: Permanent

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While drinking water. She sat on the chair and lean back on it.

She lowered her head her gaze falls on her hand.

Now her hands are not the same as in the past. Her delicate soft hand now are little rough and has thin calluses on them and there is a deep fresh red line on both of her fingers by holding shopping bag from today.

An emotion brew in her heart.

She closed her eyes surppressing the emotion and took a deep breath. after a while she reopened them again an it return to its as usual. no emotions could be detect.

After that she got up and went her small kitchen to make her dinner.

Looking at the things present in her small kitchen. she just decided to make tomato noodles as usual.

Her kitchen is pretty small with just one island where she has put the stove. Below the island there is cabinet which door is broken. Opposite this there is space made on the wall where she has put the grocery. Or any food item.

She cannot put it on the cabinet below incase rats eat it.

At the end of the island there is a very small sink, To wash utensils. Just after sink here is wall with a small window on it. Which doesn't open. No matter how much she tried it or how much she put oil in it. This window is stuck.

After a while taking out the steaming hot noodles out of the pot.

She went back to the small table which was placed in one side of the room.

Fortunately this room atleast has this table and chair. although old and little broken but it's still very useful to her.

While eating the noodle she took out her mobile phone checking if she has any message for the job.

Then she saw none of the jobs are suitable for her. she sigh and turn off the mobile.

After eating she went to do her laundry in the bathroom. The bathroom is pretty small and little dirty, it took a alot of scrubbing to make it look how it is now.

With in the corner of the bathroom it has combode, and a little forward it has shower where she is doing her laundry, and just on the entrance of the bathroom there is a small sink.

When everything is over, she hand the clothes outside as she didn't have a dryer and she took bath and finally laid on the bed.

Shrunken under the quilt. looking very small and petite in the last few months she has lost some weight due to her being busy with jobs and running from here to there.


Few days went by and bella went to the new job she got in an small restaurant. Although it's a small restaurant but it has visited by alot of people everyday as this restaurant has been here for a very long time.

It's an part time job but it's her first permanent job and she is very happy. This job is for every alternative days.

Thinking about the steady income every month, makes her a little hopeful for her better future.
It really reduces her tension very much.

When in the afternoon she was serving in the restaurant.

Her eyes landed in the news paper placed on the counter.

Looking at the photo of smiling couple on the news paper and looking at the title on the top.

Bella gaze froze and her body turn stiff for a moment.


Hearing the call from behind she return back to her senses.

But was little absent minded all the times.

After the shift was over. she step out of the restaurant.
The cold wind hit her face.

Bella tighten her jacket a little around her body, She slowly walk forward.

The title she just saw flash in her mind and thinking about the happy smile on both of them faces.

"The lovely couple Ron and Phoebe are engaged"

Bella was shocked.



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