Chapter 15: Teady bear

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She accepted that job.

And it's been an month she has been doing the evening shift in the hotel as a dish washer.

Although it's also temporary job but there it has benifit because the chef in the kitchen is a good man he always give them the left over to them.

At first time when he gave her she was about to refuse but the words came to her lips and stopped .

because she felt she was being hypocrite when she wants to her current situation she is not allowed to refuse it.

She accepted it.and after that whenever there is leftover the chef will distribute among them who work in the kitchen.

It was very helpful for her because she doesn't have to eat instant noodles after coming back.

And she didn't have energy to make something for her after a day of work.

The food are mostly gravy or vegetable something ,but it tastes very good.

Tomorrow she has to go to mall for an promotion of product.

The promotion of product mostly she has to wear teady bear costume.

And stand in the mall or some cartoon costume to attract coustomers.

She has seen many times in the past when people stood in the cartoon coustom in the mall.

Now she is one of them.

In the past months she has done many type of small jobs.

In some job the earning are not much but it's better than nothing.

She has gradually adapted her new life.


Next day Bella woke up early in the morning. after getting ready and dressed up in plain simple shirt and a pair of jeans. her hair tied up in ponytail

After getting ready she ate some bread and milk and left for job.

The mall is away from her house so she took bus.

At first she was not use to the public transportation because of crowd and always pushed in the last in crowd at bus station or subway.

But as the time passes she is now very familiar with travelling in public transportation.

Riding the bus to mall it will take twenty minutes. she reached the mall.

After going in the back of mall in the staff room.

She joint the team of promotion mostly of the member are the students who work for pocket money of college.

She is the youngest among them, and after greeting she took the set of teady bear costume and went to change.

This job is quite tiring because set of teady bear head is very heavy.

Her body is already small and she is thin it is difficult for her.

After the registration they went to the position alloted to them.

Standing hours in the heavy costume is not a joke.

It makes her head dizzy. her feet hurts so mush but she gritted her teeth and continued.



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