Chapter 11: Loneliness

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Now, Bella is in need for the change of clothes. As she can't wear this clothe anymore, it's really making her sick.

She ask the lady if there is place around where she can buy clothes in low price. Balla didn't forget to mention 'LOW PRICE'

As Bella want to buy the clothes of lowest price and doesn't want to finish the money.

She really feels the money is flowing out of her pocket very fast. Even after being so miser and living cheaply. Their are expense on many thing, if this goes on like this. The little money she has will be finished before she knew it.

Bella is really distressed thinking about this.

At present only the money in her pocket gaves her a sense of security, because she knows her current situation very well.which she didn't find in anything.

At her current situation, she knew only money will be helpful for her and nothing and no one else.

She knows she can't find a single person in the whole world who is there for her.

Before yesterday She may decive herself but after facing there ruthlessness she has no hope in her heart.

Now the main problems is about money .So, she can't spent it blindly.

She has to think twice before using a penny.

There was a ironic smile on her face in the past she wat not materialistic and always finds her happiness in small small things.

but she never thought that she would face a situation where whether she will be on the road and could not afford the food the next day.
Bella doesn't care whether she wear a rug or the cheapest clothes.

When she has to think about eating and not to die beacuse of starving, from yesterday she has been walking alot and her legs are paining.

Bella's speed of walking Is slow, but her back is straight because of determination to pass the hurdle and the test of faith.

She can't back off now and lose like a coward. She will survive, this is the determination that encourages her.

Bella again seen a sense that she haven't seen in her sixteen year of life. It's really a small street style clothing store.There are so small that they don't even have a changing room and the street is very crowded. There are many people buying. Its so noisy.

Bella walk and look around don't know where to go. After hesitating she stood there and saw a woman and a girl standing next to her same age as Bella, discussing with the shopkeer and lowering the price of the clothes.

This is a novel experience for bella, she watch it with bit interest and curiosity.
Bella saw the process of bargaining and was astonished as lady won in the bargaining for lowering the price of her purchase. Which is literally almost half of the actual price.

Bella eyes lit up as a idea came in her mind. She walk to the store and select the same clothes as that woman in her size, while the woman was still there and she didn't have to bargain with the shopkeeper, as the woman has already set the price there is no need to discuss again.

After selecting to two sets of clothes, Bella paid and left.

This is the first time she has done something like this, there is a sense of satisfaction in her mind. She literally saved half of the amount of clothes.

There is a joy in Bella's heart, there is trumphatness and excitement that she never has when she own the clothes of millions. Maybe because that was not her achievements, but given by other.

It's really unique, she got the feeling from the cheap clothes that she has never felt before.

Bella really want to run to the hotel and change out of the dirty clothes but before that she purchase some bread and undies.

She happily walk to the hotel in a happy mood, after reaching she saw there is no one in the reception desk. She ignored it and walk to her room.

After entering in the room, she again stuck the chair in front of the door and walk to the bathroom with a set of clothes.

Finally she took shower after two days and got rid of all the dirt and sweat. She always love cleanliness and took bath twice a day.

Bella has never suffered like this, where she can't take bath for more than a day.
After wearing the fresh clothes, she finally feel comfortable and fresh.

She came out of the bathroom, her hair are wet. They are sticking to her skin. Because of bath her cheeks are pink.
The cloth fit her very well, because of wearing dark color she is looking more fair. Her skin is very tender and soft.

Their is little helplessness and loneliness in her eyes.

She sat on the bed with a sign,

She has to live it like this until she can't find other option or any solution.
God is really taking her test and making her surfer like this.

"Knock knock"

Bella jump a little at the sound.

She turn her head and look at the door in surprise


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