Take care of yourself - Sam Wilson (Marvel)

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It had been a disaster from the start. Y/N had been watching carefully from inside the Quinjet. All the tech was running smoothly, but the same couldn't be said for the mission. Y/N and Bruce cringed as the team faced an explosion before even stepping inside the supposed Hydra Base.

Thor, Nat and Steve made it inside and were able to start searching for the flash drive that Nick Fury swore had everything they needed on it. It sounded too good to be true. With dozens of agents beating down on the team, Bruce was forced to Hulk out and help. Y/N was struggling to warn everyone about everything.  "Bucky, behind you." "Nat guy coming at you at 6:00." "Sam, be careful of the alarm system."

"Thanks Y/N." Sam grunted. Y/N thought something was off with Sam this morning, but she dared not say anything. Her father the infamous Tony Stark had just let her onto the team, really because of necessity although Nick Fury wanted her on earlier due to her skills, she still felt she had to keep her head down to prove herself.

However she couldn't help but pay attention to Sam. He had this stoic nature, always reliable, always kind...and so good looking. she knew she was having big crush feelings and definitely couldn't tell anyone on the team yet.

One more explosion happened. "That's it. I'm calling it. Pull out everyone. This was just a trap." Cap said into the comms.

Once everyone was on the Quinjet, Y/N and Sam started to checking people out. Usually Bruce would help, but he was still passed out. Sam claimed he was the least injured and Y/N couldn't really deny the help.

"Ouch. It's just a scratch, Y/N." Cap argued as she pressed on the cut above his eyebrow. "Yeah, but it's pretty deep and we can't risk losing this face." she teased.

Cap shook his head at the young woman. They had gotten pretty close in the past year with everyone living at the Avengers Compound.

Y/N could feel eyes on her. She glanced behind her to see Sam pouting. Was he jealous of something?

Nat was asleep on Cap's shoulder. Maybe Sam liked Natasha? Y/N thought randomly. Why else would he be glaring at Cap like that for?

Clint and Wanda had bandaged themselves up. Sam was still working with Bucky. "Go easy would you." Bucky said as Sam kept trying to clean up shrapnel in his good arm. "Stay still and it would be easier." Sam grumbled. 

That was new. Sam was always calm and kind when he was taking care of the team. Y/N walked over to her dad. She gave him a once over. "You're worse than Pepper, kiddo. The suit took more hits, I just need a nap." Y/N smirked and grabbed a blanket. "What can I say. You give me a lot to worry about. Plus admitting you need a nap, means you might be worse off than I think." Tony smiled at her. It had been just the two of them for a long time.

Her mother died when she was a baby and they had had her very young. At age 21, when Tony took over the company he had to take Y/N by himself too. Tony hired Pepper when Y/N was about 11, so Pepper had been more of a mother to her than anyone, but her dad was her hero long before S.H.I.E.L.D made it official.

He gestured for her to sit with him, so she sat the rest of the flight home. Y/N kept looking over at Sam though. He squirmed around in his seat and just didn't look like himself.

Once they got home, they got everyone to the living room so they could all check on each other. Bucky grabbed Y/N's arm. "Hey." she said. "Hey, I think something is up with Sam." Y/N bit her lip. "Yeah I think so too. I'll check on him. You just rest."

Y/N found Sam helping Cap and Nat lay down. "Sam, can I talk to you for a minute?" Y/N asked. Sam looked at her. He always found her to be wise beyond her years and the most human on the team. Maybe that's because that's all she had to be.

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