3. Cruel Taunts

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Azriel blinked his eyes open, unsure of what had woken him. Seren was still soundly sleeping. Moonlight bathed her olive skin in a silvery glow. He knit his brows and watched her briefly, wondering if she'd made a sound in her sleep, as she often did when dreaming. Seren remained silent and her breaths were slow and even. His shadows were quiet as well.

Azriel sighed and slipped his hand around Seren's waist, pulling her closer. He buried his nose in her hair. She made a small sound and curled her hands closer to her face. Is she dreaming? He asked the shadows.

Her mind is quiet, they answered.

Azriel smiled to himself. Good. She'd suffered from nightmares for a long time, especially after being tortured. He couldn't remember how many times she'd woken up just to run to the bathroom and vomit from sheer terror. If she was able to hum and the nightmares were coming less frequently, then maybe, just maybe, she was almost herself again.

Something thumped onto the stone balcony beyond their bedroom. In a heartbeat, Azriel drew Truth-Teller out from beneath his pillow and bent over Seren defensively. His wings spread to shield her from view. Shadows curled around his shoulders and some of them dove into Seren's hair.

The balcony doors opened with a click, revealing Rhys. He raised his hands cautiously. Azriel lowered his wings and set Truth-Teller aside. "What the hell, Rhys?" He whispered.

"Sorry. I had to come quickly," Rhys answered.

Azriel looked him over through narrowed eyes. His brother wore Illyrian leathers and had manifested his wings. "What is it?"

"Eris wants to meet with us now. I've just seen him in the mountains where we normally meet, but he asked that you come too. I flew back to get you."

"And left Eris there by himself?"

"We owe him a little trust, Az." Azriel gave him a disbelieving look. "I warded the clearing so he can't leave," Rhys admitted with a small grin.

Azriel shook his head. "Give me a minute."

Rhys nodded and stepped back out on the balcony. Azriel climbed out of bed and hastily pulled on his leathers. He situated his cobalt siphons, then sheathed Truth-Teller on his thigh. He carried no other weapons.

The sheets rustled and he glanced over his shoulder. Seren rubbed her eyes wearily. "What are you doing?"

"Rhys and I are meeting with Eris."

"Right now? It's the middle of the night."

Azriel crossed the room and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "It must be important, or it was the only time Eris could get away. It shouldn't take long. I'll meet you and Cassian in Ironcrest like usual."

She mumbled her consent and let go. "I love you."

"I love you too." Azriel brushed a kiss across her forehead. "There's about five shadows hiding in your hair, just so you know." Seren smiled sleepily. Azriel joined Rhys on the balcony and closed the doors behind him.

They took off on silent wings. The air was chilly and Azriel knew it would be even colder in the mountains. "Eris didn't ask for Cassian?" He asked.

"No. Just you."

"How did you know he wanted to meet?"

"I sensed when he arrived in the mountains. I set up sensory wards a few months ago after we missed that one meeting because he forgot to send a note." They banked towards the mountains. "I think it's odd that he only wanted the two of us. Do you think he's going to call in the favor you owe him?"

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