43. Life and Death

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Snow blew through the air as Azriel reached Hybern. He scanned the battlefield, searching for his family. Seren's pain continued to filter over the Bond. His heart twisted with fear, but he flew on.

At last, he spotted Rhys and Feyre. The others were grouped around them, pushing through Koschei's lines. Azriel landed, unsheathing his sword. He decapitated a Human and incinerated a High Fae warrior with a blast of magic.

"Where's Eris?" Lucien called.

"I don't know. I had to leave him behind."

"Seren?" Mor glanced at him. Azriel didn't respond.

Jorah maneuvered closer to him. "Is she all right?"

"Let's focus on recovering the Dread Trove," Azriel said. He gave Rhys a pointed look. Don't tell them what's happening. They have to be focused.

Rhys nodded subtly. "Stay with us. The Queens are just up there. Koschei moved back but left the Queens behind."

"Someone needs to draw Koschei out once we defeat the Queens," Nesta grunted. Her sword clashed off another and she sliced her opponent's head off.

Azriel lifted his gaze to the sky. It was late afternoon. They had some time. "We have to secure the Dread Trove today. We won't last through another attack without it," Amren hollered.

"Keep moving!" Rhys' terrible might ripped through several of Koschei's warriors. Azriel's siphons flared as he fed his own magic into the fray. All around, he could see signs of the other High Lords at work. Shards of ice were stuck in the throats of Humans and Fae. Every now and then, he could see flashes of burning light from Helion's palms.

Azriel rolled beneath a Vanth and leaped up. The curved horn atop his wing sliced through several of the creature's eyes. It roared and swiped at him. Obsidian talons raked through his side. Azriel twisted and luckily, the blow didn't land too deep.

The Vanth rammed into him. Azriel toppled to the ground. His sword and Truth-Teller flew from his grasp. The beast lunged. Azriel threw his arms over his head.

The attack never came. He scrambled to his feet as Tamlin ripped into the Vanth with crazed fury. Azriel grabbed his weapons, stumbling back towards the others. He paused as Eris came into view.

Eris lifted a hand, pointing to a cluster of Koschei's warriors. Azriel's mouth fell open as they began to scream. Flesh dripped from their bones and their cries died away. New power radiated from Eris. He lifted his head, amber eyes flashing with cold rage. Azriel was the first to bow his head to the new High Lord of Autumn.

"Eris!" Rhys shouted.

"Beron is dead. I've brought Tamlin," Eris fell in step with Rhys. Azriel spotted Elysian strapped to his back. He'd have to recover the blade for Seren when he could.

Seren...He hadn't felt anything from her in the past few minutes, he realized. Azriel tugged on the Bond, panic flooding his mind. Seren!

A jab of pain hit him a moment later. I'm here, she rasped.

Azriel pulled his attention back to the battle. The Queens were just up ahead. There was no sign of Koschei. Rhys, Feyre, and Nesta burst through the throng first. Elain, Lucien, Mor, and Emerie came next. Amren pulled Gwyn through a bundle of Vanth and Jurian leaped out behind them. Jorah and Cassian stumbled into the open together. Azriel pushed Eris beyond the lines of enemy warriors.

The four Queens faced them, faces dark with anticipation, with the exception of Vassa. Her gaze was still vacant. The eldest Queen lifted a hand towards them, preparing to use the Crown.

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