10. Malicious Forbodings

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The artwork above is not mine.


Seren weeded her section of snowdrops in the garden. The early spring sun was warmer than usual. She glanced over her shoulder as Nyx laughed. He toddled about, chasing after a butterfly. Elain laughed beside Seren and planted a few more seeds into a freshly turned patch of dirt.

"You never did tell me why you're home so soon," Seren said. "And where is Lucien?"

"Vassa's master was beginning to look at me as a possible replacement for her so Lucien brought me home for a little while," Elain replied. "He went back to the Mortal Lands to investigate the town where Varian's spies say they found the Mortal Queens."

"Where is Jurian?" She had yet to meet the infamous human general.

"He's still with Vassa and the dread-lord. I don't think he's making much progress." Elain gritted her teeth and set to work weeding her iris bed.

"You've been working on this for months already."

"The dread-lord is just toying with us at this point. When he's tired of us coming up with offers for Vassa, he'll either kill us or force us to leave his house."

Seren rubbed her forehead, half closing her eyes. "I'd prefer if he didn't kill you. Rhys would probably declare war and we don't need to fight on two fronts right now." Elain nodded as Seren stood. She crossed the garden and picked up a glass of water from a table. Seren took a slow sip, hoping it would quell her headache.

Nyx was still chasing the butterfly. His small wings flapped behind him. They wouldn't be developed enough for him to fly for several years yet, but that didn't seem to stop him from trying. The butterfly fluttered over Elain's head and Nyx toppled into her lap.

Elain wrapped her arms around him and squeezed, but was careful not to jar his wings. "I've got you now!"

"No!" Nyx struggled in Elain's arms, laughing. He managed to worm out of her grasp and began running again.

Elain pushed herself to her feet and followed him around the garden. "Come back here, you little bat!"

Seren sat down and grinned, watching them. Nyx switched directions suddenly and hid himself beneath her chair. Seren peered down at him. Nyx grabbed her hand and pulled it over his eyes as Elain drew near. Seren's mouth fell open. Nyx kept a tight hold on her hand, using it to shield himself.

Elain paused and tapped her chin, her brown eyes sparkling. "Hm, where could Nyx have gone?" Nyx giggled. "Have you seen him, Seren?"

"I haven't," Seren replied. "He must have flown away."

"I can't fly yet." Nyx's round little voice called from beneath the chair.

"What was that?" Elain began looking around intently. Nyx gasped and pulled Seren's hand over his mouth. Seren bit her lip, then smiled. He didn't balk at her scars. Elain crouched down and reached beneath the chair. "I found you!"

Nyx shrieked as Elain pulled him out of his hiding spot and hugged him to her chest. "Is he behaving himself?" Feyre asked, appearing just beyond the garden hedges.

"Yes," Seren answered. "He's spent most of the afternoon chasing butterflies and digging holes for Elain."

Feyre took Nyx and kissed his forehead. "Is that so?"

"Can we paint?" Nyx asked, patting Feyre's cheek with a hand.

"For a little while. We'll paint out here while your aunts work." Feyre carried Nyx into the house to retrieve their painting supplies.

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