34. Explanations

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    Azriel and Cassian barely managed to catch their footing when they arrived back at the river house. They supported Jurian between themselves and staggered through the door. "Cass, Az!" Feyre exclaimed, running towards them. She took in the ice that clung to their hair and clothes, and Jurian's pale face. "Nuala!"

    The wraith materialized beside her. "Yes, my lady?"

    "Fetch Madja at once." Nuala dipped her head and vanished again. "Elain!" Feyre shouted. Her sister appeared at the top of the stairs.

    "Did...Lucien warn Amren?" Azriel asked. His teeth chattered around his words.

    "He did. Amren went to find Jorah and Devlon. She's taking them to help Rhys, Seren, and Mor, wherever they are." Feyre and Elain helped them carry Jurian up the stairs. They set him on a bed in one of the spare rooms. Elain struck up a fire swiftly.

    "I should go." Azriel started for the door.

    "No, you need to warm yourself up." Feyre blocked his path and pointed towards the fireplace. "If you go back out there like this, you'll freeze."

    "But Seren," Azriel protested, taking another step forward. The room blurred around him.

    "Sit down," Feyre ordered.

    He obeyed at once, hearing the tone of his High Lady in her voice. Cassian settled on the floor next to him. Azriel leaned his head back against a chair. The warmth of the fire crept over him. Despite his efforts to stay awake, sleep managed to grab hold of him.


    Seren drew Elysian as the Vanth progressed closer to the building. Mor and Miryam were still fighting, but looking bloodier by the minute. She couldn't tell if the blood was their own, or from the people being slaughtered around them.

    The people who were awake within the building were moving the unconscious into more secure locations. Mor and Miryam were a few yards away from the building. Still, the Vanth bore down on them.

    In a flash, Mor grabbed Miryam's arm and winnowed them into the building. She threw a shield over the doorway and warded it for good measure. "Are you all right?" Seren rasped.

    "We're alive," Miryam answered. "That's what matters right now." She and Mor drew closer to Seren.

    The Vanth's shrieking grew louder as they surrounded the building. "Where did these things come from?" Someone cried.

    "Koschei must have used the Cauldron to make them," Mor said. "It's the only explanation I can think of."

    The people screamed as the Vanth attacked Mor's shield and wards. Their talons clawed at the magic, leaving visible scars in the air. Mor lifted her hands above her head, struggling to keep her shield intact.

    "I know you aren't supposed to expend your magic in large amounts," Mor faltered, her knees buckling. More scratches appeared in her shield. "But you once mentioned you created a wall of fire around your father's manor. Can you do it again?" She turned fearful brown eyes to Seren.

    Seren nodded and drew in a deep breath. She summoned her flames. They crackled along her body, producing no heat. Seren flared her arms out and flames erupted from the building. They spread beyond the walls, growing larger and radiating wicked heat. Sweat beaded along Seren's brow as she fought to maintain control of the fire.

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