22. Strange and Strangers

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    "You should not be going out on official business," Madja scolded as she examined Seren. Azriel stood behind her, arms crossed and eyes glistening with approval.

    Seren merely smiled. "Elain thinks I might be able to help. It won't require me to winnow, use too much magic, or overexert myself. I'll be fine."

    "All the same. If you feel like something is wrong, you must return at once."

    "I will."

    "You should let Rhys put a shield over you," Azriel said.

    Seren frowned and shook her head. "I'll feel closed in. Feyre told me all about it. While I might not struggle so much with my scars or water..."

    "Small spaces. Especially dark ones," Azriel sighed. "I know." He tugged on the Bond gently. I know all too well.

    "You're coming along nicely," Madja said, straightening. "The baby is healthy. I can't tell if it has wings or not yet, but I should be able to soon. Oh, and you might start to feel the baby kicking." Azriel helped Seren to her feet. His excitement was evident. "Come see me the moment you get home," Madja ordered. "Unless you're tired. In that case, sleep a few hours first."

    Seren smiled as they left the office. Shadows wrapped around them, leaving the sensation of being submersed in a thick liquid. When the shadows withdrew, they were standing in the garden of the river house.

    Elain and Lucien were already waiting. Seren kissed Azriel and turned away. He held her hands tightly, refusing to let go. "Beron is planning to do something regarding Vassa, remember?" He murmured. "Be on the lookout."

    "I will, and you keep an eye on Erebus, Kallon, and your half brothers."

    Azriel leaned his forehead against hers. Seren smiled, closing her eyes briefly. This small gesture that he so often did...it was almost more meaningful to her than anything else. The first time he'd done it had been after Elain's birthday party a year ago, when they went to a small hidden valley and looked at the spring constellations.

    Seren blinked, a thought occurring to her. The anniversary of her mother's death had passed...and she had not remembered. She hadn't been plagued by buried memories fighting to be seen. She hadn't dreamed of her mother's blood wetting her cheeks. She hadn't seen the dagger in her father's hands. She had forgotten. She didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

    "I love you," Azriel whispered, drawing her out of her thoughts.

    "I love you," Seren echoed. Azriel kissed her, then stepped back. She joined Lucien and Elain near the gates. Lucien placed a hand on her arm and they winnowed away.


    Seren stared up at the massive gray stone manor, built on an island in the middle of a lake. It was almost as large as the river estate. Elain hovered beside her while Lucien spoke with the guards at the door.

    "The dread lord is human. Vassa was sold to him by her fellow queens during the war with Hybern. Koschei cursed her to become a firebird by day and a woman by night," Elain explained. "After the war, she was given temporary freedom. She lived on an island with Jurian, and Lucien stayed with them quite often."

    "Koschei?" Seren arched an eyebrow. "Does this dread lord work for him?"

    Elain shrugged. "You would think so, but if he did, why would Beron be plotting something in regards to Vassa, when Koschei could just sweep in and take her himself?"

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