18. Found Self

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"Let me get this straight." Devlon crossed his arms and stared out a window. "You want to bring the Ironcrest Illyrians here? Our war camps are rivals. It won't work."

"It has to work," Rhys said. "We're running out of options. As long as Erebus has control of his camp and the Illyrians in it, he has an edge. We take away that edge and he's forced to retreat."

"To his allies." Devlon rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "He came to me weeks ago and asked me to join this alliance. He told me he had made two powerful allies, but he never said who they were."

"I was there," Azriel said. Devlon raised an eyebrow. "I've been spying on Erebus for months."

"So he mentioned. I'm glad I made the decision that I did." Devlon narrowed his eyes. "Tell me who his allies are. Tell me exactly what's going on and I'll consider allowing the Ironcrest Illyrians to come here."

Rhys' talons tapped on Azriel's mental shields. He lowered them just a fraction. If we tell Devlon, he might decide to change his mind, Azriel said.

I know, but we need him to work with us on this. If we tell him, we show him that we trust him. I think that's something he'll be grateful for, considering how we've been spying on Erebus.

Do what you think is best, Rhys. Azriel closed his mental shields again.

"Erebus has allied himself with Beron and Koschei," Rhys said after a few minutes.

"Koschei? Koschei the Deathless? I've only heard a few stories about him," Devlon admitted.

"He is the Bone Carver and the Weaver's older brother," Rhys explained. "He was working with Briallyn, helping her attack Nesta during the Blood Rite two years ago. We learned that Beron is working with them too."

"How?" Devlon asked.

"We have a spy in the Autumn Court," Azriel replied simply. Devlon didn't need to know about Eris' role. Not yet. Not until after Beron was dead.

"What do they want?"

"To rule Prythian, or destroy it. I'm not sure when Erebus joined them, or what their plans all entail," Rhys answered.

"Are the other Mortal Queens allied with them?"

"We don't know. We learned that they went into hiding after Briallyn joined Koschei." Rhys pursed his lips. "I can't tell you anything more right now."

"If I take in the Ironcrest warriors, Erebus' forces will only be slightly diminished. It sounds like he has many followers, given how you described the state of the camp."

"It may only be a slight change, but it's a change nonetheless."

"Erebus made some sort of deal with my father," Azriel added. "He brought Osiris and Seker to Ironcrest."

That caught Devlon's attention. "Those two are trouble." His gaze flickered to Azriel's hands. "If they're working with Erebus, that means your father has pledged his forces to Erebus as well." Devlon stroked his chin some more. "Bring those who remain loyal here."

Rhys grinned. "And you'll make sure the females train?"

Devlon rolled his eyes, but nodded. "I don't really have a choice on that matter."

"You'll be glad of their skills when war comes, Devlon. Trust me," Rhys said. "We'll start bringing the people here this week."

"We'll be ready."

Rhys and Azriel left the hut and jumped into the air. They flew towards Ironcrest once more. "That went well," Azriel said. "I was convinced he would say no."

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