26. Tried Loyalty

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"You really can't remember anything that happened following breakfast?" Madja asked. She pressed a glowing hand to Seren's forehead.

"No, and Elain and Lucien only told me that they heard me screaming and found me thrashing around in the hallway," Seren replied. "I remember leaving the dining room, but after that, everything is murky."

Azriel stood in a corner, shadows hiding the elegant planes of his face. They couldn't mask his concern which rippled over the Bond, though. "Strange." Madja moved her hands down to Seren's stomach. "I can find no illness or signs of injury in you. Has something like this ever happened to you before?"

"No," Seren said. Madja glanced at Azriel. He shook his head.

"Hm. I suppose we'll just have to keep an eye on you and see if it happens again," Madja sighed.

"I didn't hurt the baby, did I?" Seren asked, her anxiety spiking at the thought. Azriel crossed the room and knelt beside her chair, taking her hand gently.

"No, it's fine." Madja gave them a small smile. "But there is something you might like to know."

"What is it?" Seren urged.

"Your baby has wings. They are small and barely detectable, but there all the same."

The shadows backed away and joy shone on Azriel's face. He kissed Seren's hand. I can teach our child to fly, he said. Seren smiled at the mental image he created.

"Would you like to know the child's gender?" Madja asked.

Seren furrowed her brows, thinking. Would you think me strange if I wanted to wait and find out when the baby is born?

No, but is there a particular reason why?

Not really. I just...I want to wait.

Azriel faced Madja. "We'll wait until the baby is born to find out."

"Are you sure?" Madja asked. They both nodded. "Well, tell me what each of you are hoping for, anyway."

"I think it's a boy," Seren said.

Azriel helped her to her feet. "I hope it's a girl."

"Really? Why?" Seren asked.

"Because I want to give her the life most Illyrian or half Illyrian females don't get to have. I'll be happy with a boy too, of course. I just hope it's a girl."

"Even if she makes you have tea parties with her?" Seren laughed.

"Even if I have to walk through Windhaven with her, dressed in matching pink clothes."

Madja smiled and ushered them towards the door. "Make sure to take it easy the next few days. If something happens, come to me at once."

"We will," Seren promised.

She followed Azriel out the door. His shadows engulfed them and they appeared before the river house. They hurried inside to prepare for their trip to the Court of Nightmares.

Seren groaned as they began to mount the stairs up to their room. "I'll be glad when my back and ankles don't hurt so much," she said.

Azriel watched her sympathetically. At last, they reached the landing. Seren entered the bedroom and began digging through the closet. She already had an outfit in mind, one that Mor had picked out for her during their last shopping trip.

Azriel stood before a mirror and swiftly cleaned the dust off his leathers. He situated his siphons and sheathed Truth-Teller at his thigh. As usual, he carried no other weapons. Seren watched him briefly, a smile flickering across her lips.

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