7. Turmoil

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    Seren sat in the tub, flames dancing around her shoulders. Water lapped at her chin and bubbled as it made contact with her flames. Azriel's shadows swirled around the flames eagerly. Seren watched them in a mirror she had propped up across from the tub.

    She squeezed her eyes shut and drew her knees up to her chest. Sweat beaded along her brow from the heat of the water. Seren lifted her hands and let her flames spread to them. As usual, her heartbeat quickened.

    I am in control of these flames, she reminded herself. They won't hurt me. They can't hurt me. The shadows wrapped around her hands, offering what comfort they could.

    Seren finally stepped out of the tub. She wrapped a towel around herself, then examined her visible limbs in the mirror. Her legs were just as scarred as the rest of her body. The hand shaped burn on her thigh was more prominent than the others. Seren balanced on one foot and examined the scars on the bottom of the other. There was a ridged X on her heel and another sideways T shaped scar rested just behind her toes.

    She exhaled slowly and pulled her hair up into the towel. Seren turned in a slow circle, eyeing the rest of her scars. I have to get used to them, she thought. Maybe when I'm finally used to them, other people's reactions to them won't affect me so badly.

    She blinked and took in the whip scars on her back. They are a punishment and a prize. A punishment for my betrayal...for not telling them the truth. A prize for staying committed to them. A prize for protecting them. I don't have to be ashamed of them or afraid of them. Seren released another heavy sigh, feeling some tension leaving her body.

    She pulled on her pajamas and left the bathroom after draining the tub. Seren climbed into bed and tucked her dagger, Metanoia, beneath her pillow. When will you be back? She called down the Bond.

    Tomorrow evening, Azriel answered. Cassian said Kallon was threatening Jorah again and it was worse than usual. Cass is staying to make sure Kallon doesn't try anything and he asked if I would help.

    All right. Seren grabbed a spare pillow and hugged it to her chest.

    How was Adriata?

    It was beautiful but hot.

    Did Amren behave herself? Seren hesitated to answer. Seren?

    Not exactly, Seren replied finally. But it's all right. A twinge of anger drifted across the Bond. Nesta and I came home and Amren is still in Adriata, as far as I know.

    Do you need me to come home?

    No, I'm fine. Stay with Cassian. Shadows brushed across her cheek affectionately as Azriel's presence settled once more. Seren hugged her pillow tightly and closed her eyes.


    She was in her old home, running through dusty hallways. Belongings were scattered everywhere. Precious heirlooms and trinkets lay in broken pieces. Seren ran to the nearest staircase. Boots pounded behind her.

    She remembered the sound all to well. He was angry. It was her fault. "Get back here, Girl!" Trestwyn bellowed. "Look at what you've done!"

    Seren continued to run. Her feet felt as though they were made of lead. She stumbled up the staircase and rounded a corner. Her room was just ahead. If she could reach it and lock the door, then she would be safe.

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