36. Forming Alliances

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"What's his problem?" Seren hissed between her teeth.

"He doesn't fully trust Feyre and Rhys because of something that happened before the War with Hybern," Azriel murmured.

Eris straightened at once. "You can't be serious. The only time Rhysand has ever been a threat to us was during Amarantha's reign, and that was because he had no choice! How many times have he and Feyre risked their lives and resources to help all of you?"

Tarquin shook his head. "They knew where Prythian's most dangerous artifacts were. Who's to say they weren't using them for their own benefit?"

Feyre jumped to her feet. "We used them once," her voice caught. She cleared her throat and continued. "We only used the Dread Trove once."

"And I was the one who made the decision and wielded it," Nesta commented.

"Why?" Tarquin demanded.

Feyre lifted her chin. "I nearly died giving birth to our son. Rhys would have died with me. We made a bargain after his death during the War with Hybern. When we die, we will die together."

It's risky, revealing that information to them, Azriel's voice echoed through Seren's mind. If Rhys and Feyre ever anger one of them, they now know they only have to kill one to destroy the other as well.

Feyre continued on. "Our son was born with Illyrian wings. I am High Fae. My body wasn't made to accommodate wings. During labor, Nyx became stuck. Our healer had to cut him from my womb, but he was too small and weak. I was dying and Rhys was dying with me."

"Nesta made the choice to wield the Dread Trove. She made a deal with the Cauldron that saved our lives. She returned the power she stole from it, and in exchange, Rhys and I were spared and our son became healthy. That is the only time we ever used the Dread Trove for ourselves," Feyre finished.

Viviane stared at her with wide, tearful eyes. Viviane and Kallias had a child around the same time Nyx was born, Azriel explained before Seren could ask anything.

Tarquin had lowered his gaze. "You say Beron is working with Koschei, so why is his son here aiding you?" Thesan asked. The question was sincere, with no hint of malice or suspicion in it.

"I've been providing them with information regarding my father and Koschei's plans," Eris said. "And before you judge my actions, allow me to say this." He leaned forward, amber eyes blazing with fury. "Beron Vanserra is a heartless son of a bitch, who deserves nothing more than to rot in a shit filled and rat infested ditch."

Viviane snorted. Kallias glanced at her. "No one could have said it better," she snickered.

"My father has met with the other three Mortal Queens," Eris continued. "I believe they'll join him and Koschei, especially now that they've taken Vassa."

"Why would Beron and Koschei want the Queens?" Thesan's Peregryn companion asked.

Eris shrugged. "Maybe to add human soldiers to their ranks. Personally, I think they mean to use the Cauldron to Make the Queens, and then allow them to wield the Dread Trove in battle."

"But you don't have to be Made to use the Trove," Helion pointed out.

Nesta inclined her head. "No, but it makes it easier. Like calls to like. Made things come from the Cauldron and have a certain connection to one another. It's how Briallyn and I were able to locate the Trove artifacts. Elain and I can also sense when the Cauldron is being used. We felt the King of Hybern use it to destroy the Wall. We felt Koschei use it to create his Vanth."

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