Two: Is The Room Temperature Hot?

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     "It's great to see you, didn't you call for us?" Lucy asked when she came around with a towel still around her.

     "No. Not this time." Caspian replied, stopping himself from the grin he has.

     "Well, whatever the case, I'm just glad to be here." Edmund said, he now has this ear-to-ear smile that he never had last 253 days he had living with Eustace.

     I just looked at him and rolled my eyes knowing what exact reasons he had to share it with Caspian.

     There was a loud shout that sounded from a girl, we all send our gaze towards the sound and saw Eustace on the floor with Reepicheep on top of him.

     "Now, call down sir."

     "Get that thing off me!"

     I just inhaled deeply before covering my eyes in embarrassment I am feeling right now.

     Once Eustace finally gripped into Reepicheep, he threw to mice towards us with only five steps to us, which made Reepicheep ran away from him as soon as possible.

      "Reepicheep!" Lucy greeted.

     The mouse looked at her directly and was confused for the second before greeting us back.

     "Oh. Your Majesties." He said before bowing.

     "Hello Reep, what a pleasure."

     "Hello," I said, greeting him back as well. 

     I felt Caspian gaze once I opened my mouth, I just pretended that I didn't knew that did not look back at him.

     "The pressure is all mine, sir." The mouse said, "but first, what to do about this hysterical interloper?"

     "That giant rat thing just tried to claw my face off!" Eustace rant, making me inhaled deeply again before making my arms meet at my chest. Strictly posing.

     "I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs, sir." Reep defended.

     "So, this was your life back at your world?" Caspian said, he said in a low tone whisper. 

     I just looked at him exasperated and just nod, not minding that he'll know soon the reason.

     "It talked. Did you see? Did anyone hear that? It just talked!" Eustace said, really creeping out and pointing his index finger towards Reep.

     "He always talks."

     "Actually, It's getting him to shut up that the trick." Caspian said, making his ship staff laugh, so as Edmund, Lucy and I.

     "The moment there's nothing to be said, Your Highness. I promise you, I will not say it." Reep defended his stand again before looking back to Eustace.

     "I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I want to wake up right now."

     "Perhaps we could throw him back?" Reep asked politely.

     Lucy's gaze and mine's directly went into Edmund, waiting for him to say anything yet.

     "Edmund!" Lucy shouted, I just let a small cackle before turning my gaze towards the throwing tantrum Eustace.

     "I demand to know, just where in blazes am I?" Eustace said, walking to each ship staff, really demanding to know where he is.

     "You're one the dawn treader the finest ship in Narnia Navy." Tavros said.

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