Ten: Words do bleed.

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     "I doubt the Lords stopped here, my liege." Reepicheep reported, as soon as he must have felt something wrong.

     I must have stared at knowhere because I couldn't focus my eyes infront, where the land we are supposed to spend the night with.

     Thinking about the dream last night, her face... It may seems crazy but, I can always see her face whenever I look around.

     It's like she painted her face into my brain and eyes to always see her.

     "There's no sign of anything living."

      "Right, well, once we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water." Caspian shouted, made me go back to my reality.

     Reepicheep was at the side of our long boat. Edmund and Caspian with another crew member were the ones whose paddling.

     "The four of us will find for clues."

     "Hang on, you mean the five of us." Eustace interfered.

     Making almost everyone in our boat send him a look of cofusion.

     "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat." Eustace pleaded, directly looking towards Caspian.

     I just scoffed and kept my eyes in Eustace, literally questioning his nosy mouth.

     "I heard that." said Reepicheep.

     "Big ears."

     "I heard that too."

     We just left an cackle hearing about Reepicheep's and Eustace quarel while Eustace looked defeated.

     "Come on, unload it all."

     I finally touched land after weeks of being in a bad weather and crazy waves.

     I walked towards them and helped them unload the packs that we're bough towards this land.

     "Come on now, we're still going to find clues." Edmund invited once I dropped the first pack that I got.

     I just nodded in return and looked back at the crews, they just send me a look and also nodded as answer.

     We were just walking around the land, until we reached a foggy and with spikey rocks.

     "Look! We're not the first ones on this island." Caspian said.

     I quickly made my way towards where Caspian is and saw a rope that was wrapped around in a rock.

     "We're not the first ones in this Island?" I questioned.

     "The Lords." Said Edmund.

     "Could be." Caspian said while walking towards the hole where the end of rope were exactly is.

     Caspian bend down to get a rock and threw it in the hole, looking if it's high fall.

     "What do you think could be down there?"

     "Let's find out." I said.

     I watched Edmund go down first with the help of the rope, Caspian went down after.

    I was the last one to went down, as I made sure that no one's spying around us.

    Felt a hands on my waist once I got down, it was Caspian's.

    He helped me since I was about to jump but it was still too high.

     Once I touched the solid ground, I quickly walked around the hidden cave.

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