Four: The One Protecting Two

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     I quickly grab any ropes that's just on the floor of the wooden ship, I just tied my hair into a high ponytail, for it not to be any distraction when an air suddenly whoosh in.

     "The lone islands. Port of NarrowHaven." Lord Drinian said.

     "Strange. Not a Narnian Flag in sight." Caspian said, giving the telescope to Edmund.

     I just stood behind Caspian, not really seeing any living human. 

     "But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's." I stated. 

     Making Caspian look at his behind and saw me, I just looked at him as well before looking back at the villa's on sight. 

     "Seems suspicious."

     "I say we prepare landing party." Edmund said. "Drinian?"

     "Forgive me, Your Majesty. But the chain of commands starts with King Caspian on this ship." Lord Drinian said. 

     "We'll use long boats. Drinian, pick some men and come ashore." 


     Caspian leads the path on where we are going, that's why I am following him now towards the boats that are about to be dropped at the sea.

     I immediately ran towards the quarters where Caspian gave me my weapons, and quickly get them and followed Caspian's go to.

     "Man the longboats, furl the sail and prepare to drop anchor."  Tavros commanded which made them all move.

     I was riding with Lucy, Caspian, Edmund and Eustace on a boat. I'm standing up as there's no seats left since Eustace occupied the sit where I'm supposed to sit.

     "Onward. The thrill of unknown lies ahead."

     Lucy was the first one to exit the boat, while I'm supposed to be the last since I'm standing at the back of the boat for the balance.

     "Couldn't this have waited till morning?" Eustace panickly asked.

     "There is no honor in turning away from adventure, lad." Reep replied to Eustace.

     Caspian waited for me to get off the boat and gently lend out his hand for him to help, I gladly accepted his hand. 

     "Listen, where is everyone?" Lucy asked.

     I quickly followed Caspian, with my hands touching my sword that's on the case behind my back. 

     "Oh! Ah!" 

     "Stupid, just stupid." I stated.

     "And you're certain he's related by blood?" Caspian asked the two Pevensie's.

     We were alerted by the loud bell that just sounded, it made me shake from the memory I have with bells. 

     Edmund and Lucy quickly send off their gaze at me, while Caspian catch me from almost falling from the shock.

     "Are you okay?" Caspian asked, I just nodded in replied before walking behind him again.

     "Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place." Caspian commanded. "We'll head on."

     "If we don't come back by dawn, send a party." 

     I was so alerted that I quickly took my sword that's on my back and ready myself to fight if necessary. 

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