Thirteen: Constellations.

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     As we follow her trail, Edmund was the first one who's behind her. While Caspian was trying to catch my pace.

     "Is there something wrong?" Caspian asked.

     "Not at all, let's just finish this mission." I straightly said before walking towards where Liliandi stopped.

     "The magician, Coriakin, told you of Dark Island?" She questioned.

     "Yes." Edmund answered.

     There it is, an Island that was covered in green mist.

     "Before long, the evil will be unstoppable."

     "Coriakin said to break its spell, we lay the seven sword at Aslan's table." I said.

     Liliandi looked at me for a seconds before answering.

     "He speaks truth."

     "But we only found six." Edmund said. "Do you know where the seventh is?"

     She pointed towards the Island with the green mist.

     "In there."

     "You will need great courage, now waste no time."

     "I hope we meet again." Edmund said.

     She just smiled at us and directly look at me with her graceful smile.

     Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy stayed away to eat as well. They said their goodbyes.

    I stayed because I know that there is something bothering me, the sea helps to the cleanse my mind and for me to relax well.

     "Something has been something bothering you." Liliandi said, not sure on what she just have said.

     "Not at all." I stated, basically dodging the questions.

     "I can feel the love he's been giving you, there is no reason to doubt." She said before looking at me.

     "I know, I can feel it as well."

     "Are you bothered about my appreance?" She questioned again.

      "No, not at all." I said, I couldn't look at her straightly.

      I'm scared of losing Caspian as on how I lost my mum.

      "You can't keep lying to yourself. It is not healthy." She adviced, knows that I lied.

      "Yes, I do bright as blue as the sea.  You bright as yellow as the sun. You do shine brighter than me, don't doubt him and yourself." She said, looking at me.

     I just smiled in comfort, and just enjoyed the look of the sea.

     "We no longer have time, I must go now." She said.

     She looked at where the stars are and waited for her to turn into a ball again, and flied back to where her place at. At the constellation.

     I quickly faced her, and said my goodbyes as well.

     I did stayed at the edge of the floor and kept on looking towards the see, when I felt a light behind me, I face it and covered my eyes. It was too shiny.

     Once I felt that the shine decreased, I removed my hands that were covering my eyes and immediately looked at the direction where I saw the light.

     "...mother?" The only word that came out in my mouth as I familiarized the one  I'm looking.

     She just nodded in return, I just stared at her in disbelief, almost covering my whole eyes as I don't believe that she's in front of me.

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