Eight: Countless Pain She Have

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     Once I felt the sun hitting my face, I quickly opened my eyes and start to stretch. I was about to wake up Lucy because where leaving as soon the the sun set, but I didn't touch anything but a sand.

     I looked into where she sleeps and found her nowhere, but instead, found big foots on the sand.

     I quickly stood up in panic and waked Caspian up, once he was awake I quickly pointed at the sand where the big foots steps are and whispered him at Lucy's gone.

     He went and woke up Edmund, but I went to see for myself and followed the footsteps. I didn't bring any weapon in panic and worried. I just decided to follow it, whether it's dangerous or not.

     "Tori! Tori!" A loud whisper was heard, I didn't head back to them as I continued to follow the footsteps.

     Until it lend me out to a very well designed garden, I quickly observed the surroundings before walking until a hand was felt into my wrist.

     "Don't ever leave alone again, please." Caspian said when I looked at who's hand was stopping me to walk. I just nod at him before moving forward again.

     "Caspian, Lucy's dagger!" Edmund said, I quickly ran forward to see if it's true.

     I swear I couldn't breath for a second once I found it true, my eyes were on verge of crying and was going to blame myself if we lose her.

     "She was just beside me.. she's beside me.." I said, repeatedly.

     Caspian and Edmund must have heard it and quickly turn towards me.

     "No one's to blame, Tori. All of us were asleep." Caspian said.

    "No! If I didn't sleep Lucy won't be lost at all!" I shouted in panic, making all of them look at me.

     Caspian just went in and gave me a hug to calm me down, which made it work.

     Until a spear was being thrown towards us, Caspian took me on cover while Edmund was looking at where they're all from.

     Once I let go of Caspian's hug, I saw nothing at all, But a flying spear that was going to be thrown towards us. When I saw Gael at the back, but his father almost in front as Caspian and Edmund.

     I quickly run towards the young girl and made her stay behind me while were still trying to figure out what's attacking us.

     "What sort of creatures are you?" Caspian asked.

     "Big ones, with the head of a tiger and a body of a.. different tiger!"

     "You don't want to mess with us." They said.

      I quickly come forward towards them and looked at probably nowhere.

     "Or what?" Edmund bravely asked.

     "Or I'll claw you to death!" They said, and was now visible.

     My eyebrows were furious as well when we finally saw the creatures.

     "Or, I'll ram my tusk through you."

     "And, I'll gnash you with my teeth."

     "Or, I'll bite you with my fangs. Grr"

     I was so confused that I titled my head to see if my brain didn't left, I started blinking a lot when I finally realize.

     "You mean squash us with your fat bellies?" Edmund asked.


     "Fat Bellies?!"

     "Tickle us with your toes?" I asked once.

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